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Check out our best-selling courses

Secrets To Playing Piano By Ear: 300pg Course w/ Bonus Ear Training Software
This course is loaded with 300 jam packed pages of easy-to-understand instruction they’ve been specifically created to give you that solid foundation and understanding of what playing the piano is all about.
If you want to take your skills to the next level in only half the time, you owe it to yourself to to advantage of this incredible resource. I mean, this course covers it all the way from beginning techniques, music theory, chords, progressions, to unique improvisation, and more! Click here to learn more

Hear and Play Chord 101: Introduction To Chords
Hear and Play Chords 101 will take you completely from scratch, so any experience or prior knowledge of music is completely unnecessary.
In 2 full hours of step-by-step audio instruction, we take you from the very beginning and explain rarely talked about concepts, unique tips and tricks that are guaranteed to give you the feeling like you’ve been lighting of those keys for years.
Shortly after studying this innovative course, you’ll be well on your way to learning everything you need to know to play popular chords by ear. Click here to learn more

Hear and Play Chords 102: Extended Chords & Voicings
This all-new Hear and Play Chords 102 course will show you step-by-step…
- How to form various types of seventh chords and why they are so important in playing by ear.
- Why seventh chords are the foundation of many more extended chords like ninths, elevenths, thirteenths, and altered voicings.
- The power of the “magic 3rd & 7th” and how manipulating them can help you to instantly play dozens of chords in all twelve keys… very easily! Click here to learn more

GospelKeys 101: Hymns & Congregational Songs
This innovational Gospel Keys 101 instructional course will teach you everything you need to know to get started playing basic hymns and congregational songs by ear.
If you’re a beginner and would like your very own gospel piano teacher on DVD, this course is definitely for you!
This DVD course moves at a very comfortable pace and leaves no questions unanswered. Click here to learn more

GospelKeys 202: Mastering Worship Chords
Gospel Keys 202 DVD will show you, step-by-step, how to play contemporary worship music by ear.
Jermaine takes you through every tone of the major scale and shows you literally tons of chords you can play ranging from major, minor, diminished, dominant, sevenths, ninths, elevenths, thirteenths, altered chords, and more! Then you’ll learn how to pair these chords together to create small progressions he calls “couples.”
After this course, you’ll be playing full chord progressions and actual worship songs like “Thank You Lord,” “Hallelujah,” and more! Click here to learn more

GospelKeys 300: Up-Tempo Praise and Charismatic Styles
Gospel Keys 300 will cover several songs in the video but these are meant to show you EXACTLY how to play all the other songs that follow these same patterns.
Basically, once you know these five parts, they are repeated over and over in praise song after praise (“I get joy when I think about,” “God is a good God,” “Bless that Wonderful name of Jesus,” and more)! Click here to learn more

GospelKeys 500: Exploring Up-Tempo Shouting Music
GospelKeys 500 will give you the tools needed to master shouting music by learning never-before-seen techniques.
In this course, shouting music is broken into three key sections: “The Shouting Intro,” “The Main Loop Period” and “The Cool Down.” You’ll explore each part, step-by-step.
You won’t find shouting music taught in these 3 steps ANYWHERE ELSE! Click here to learn more

GospelKeys Urban Pro 600: Contemporary Chords and Progressions
GospelKeys Urban Pro 600 will show you step by step you’ll how to master tons of chords and voicings for the first half of the scale.
On top of that, the emphasis on how to use grace notes, slides, pivoting notes, fill-ins, and other nuances will give you many of the necessary tools to take your contemporary gospel playing to that next level! In this course, you’ll study everything from major, minor, dominant, diminished, augmented, sevenths, ninths, elevenths, and thirteenths — the big difference, however, is that you get loads of unique urban and contemporary ways to voice these chords. Click here to learn more

GospelKeys Urban Pro 625: Phat Urban Chords Explored
GospelKeys Urban Pro 625 that acts as course that acts as a portal for you to make a HUGE musical transformation as an artist from literally anywhere in the world.
I mean, this is where you’ll learn the basics and fundamentals to playing urban and contemporary worship chords, voicings, and progressions. This will serve as a foundation for the fast-paced, second half of the course…!
I got one of the industry’s best takes it up a notch and explores dozens of chords you can immediately use in your playing to contemporize your sound and give it that urban, west-coast feel that’s coveted by many! Click here to learn more

Christmas Keys Vol. 1: Conquering Christmas Classics
ChristmasKeys™ Series DVD course will teach you everything you need to know to get started playing Christmas songs by ear during this holiday season.
I will show you, step-by-step, how to pick out the melodies of famous Christmas songs, how to choose the right chords to accompany the melodies, and how to spice up your chords and progressions to create full-sounding arrangements of your favorite holiday songs! Click here to learn more

GospelKeys 350: Praise and Devotional Songs
GospelKeys 350 “Praise and Devotional Songs” 2-hour DVD course is specifically designed for any spiritual musician who’s ready to take their organ playing to the next level by playing those toe-tapping foot-stomping praise songs!
By the end of the course, you’ll be playing full praise and devotional songs like “Bless that Wonderful Name of Jesus,” “This Little Light of Mine,” “Have You Tried Jesus,” and dozens more! Click here to learn more

GospelKeys 450: Worship & Advanced Chord Voicings
GospelKeys 450 “Advanced Worship Chords & Voicings” 2-hour dvd course is for any spiritual musician ready to explore tons of two-handed, fancy worship chords!
Step-by-step, you’ll explore: Extended voicings, polychords, inversions, two-hand combinations, worship movements, chords for every tone of the scale, passing tones, transitional chords, “couples,” real-life examples, modernized hymns, and more!
By the end of this course, you’ll have a fresh perspective on playing worship organ by ear forever! Click here to learn more

Hear and Play Jazz 101: Jazz Basics and Fundamentals
The Hear and Play Jazz 101 is taught by one of the best in the business. I mean, in this one, he leaves no questions unanswered.
This DVD is definitely a must have. Once you receive this course in the mail, you’ll learn. * The 7 secrets to playing signature solos like a pro from a pro! * Accelerate your jazz learning curve by combining 3 secret elements that the pros don’t want you to know! * How to ensure that no matter what voicings and blues licks you play, they’ll turn heads each and every time! Click here to learn more

Hear and Play Jazz 201: Chords, Licks, and Soloing
NOT knowing how to improvise and being stuck in a box playing the same old chords feels bad. It’s boring. It feels redundant. And you’re not the only one who notices it — others know that you’re playing the same, dull stuff over and over too.
No longer do you have to guess. We’re finally revealing a step-by-step method to soloing and playing jazz licks over any chords. This is truly what thousands of would-be jazz musicians have been waiting for! Click here to learn more

Mike Bereal’s GospelKeys Master Class Volume 1
Michael Bereal has been playing the piano ever since he could spell the word “piano.”
For over 25 years he’s perfected his style, which is recognized and referenced by musicians and listeners all around the world. In this 3-hour master class series, you’ll learn how to spice up various parts of your church service by applying his closely-guarded chords, progressions, "runs," and tricks. By the end of the course, you’ll have new and exciting chords and movements to play during worship, praise, shouting, and even "talking" moments of the service.
I trust very few people over him to deliver fresh, practical, easy-to-understand techniques and principles to playing contemporary gospel music by ear! Click here to learn more

P.I.T.C.H™: Ear-Training System
What if you could train your ear right from your computer?
PITCH is a revolutionary system that has been carefully designed with advanced intelligence that knows exactly what questions to ask you based on which exercises you get right and wrong. A learning tool that drills you on notes, scales, chords, intervals, and even allows you to sing and mimic what you hear (using the microphone on your computer or a usb headset mic). In fact, you’ll be able to connect a small midi keyboard and answer the questions interactively. Click here to learn more

Hear and Play Drums 101: Drum Basics & Fundamentals
Hear and Play Drums 101 makes the path to learning to play the drums by ear easier than ever before.
Step-by-step, you’ll explore your role as a drummer, how to hold drumsticks, how to quickly develop independence between your hands and feet, coordination, how to play “straight-ahead” beats, pocket-playing, and how to do basic fills. Click here to learn more

Hear and Play Drums 102: Intermediate Licks & Tricks
With Hear and Play Drums 102, you’ll enjoy learning tons of 4/4, cut-time, and off-beat patterns as Kennieth "Bam" Alexander takes you through various genres like jazz, gospel, rock, funk, latin, and others!
You’ll also learn various fills, grooves, and tricks to add to your playing almost immediately! If you’ve finished the 101 course or have prior experience, pick up this video and you’ll have tons of things to add to your playing! Click here to learn more

Hear and Play Drums 103: Advanced Licks, Tricks, & Grooves
This course was creatively engineered for any drummer looking to add professional “licks” and fancy “tricks” to their repertoire!
From various advanced grooves and beats to several stop patterns and cymbal/hi-hat runs, you’ll be equipped with tons of practical elements to add to your playing immediately! These aren’t licks and tricks you’ll learn from an ordinary private teacher… these are "school-of-hard-knock" licks from an experienced pro who’s willing to show you, step-by-step, what he’s picked up over the years! Click here to learn more

GospelKeys Tritone Xtravaganza
I’ve teamed up with my good friend Jamal Hartwell to bring you GospelKeys Tritone Xtravaganza, the course that’s finally going to reveal the ins and outs of tritones, how to use them properly, where to place them, and how to take full advantage of their power! Never before has a course focused just on tritones for a whopping 2 hours straight!
GospelKeys Tritone Xtravaganza truly takes you step-by-step and shows you everything you need to know to spice up your contemporary playing with tritones and accompanying chords! Click here to learn more

Hear and Play Hanon Volume 1
We’ve transformed these classic exercises to be useful to musicians who don’t sight read.
Of course, we’ve also added our own special touch and give you insider secrets and insights that you’d only get from the experience of a seasoned vet! In other words, now you don’t have to be classically-trained and in a traditional setting to benefit from these drills known as “Hanon Exercises” (usually just “Hanon” for short). We break them down, step-by-step, in video format and show you everything you need to know to benefit from what Hanon has to offer! Click here to learn more

Hear and Play 702: Piano By Ear For Starters
The Hear and Play 702 Audio Series is a 2-hour, 2-disc set that specializes in taking you from the VERY beginning all the way to playing basic songs (popular ones at that). You’ll study
everything from the notes on the piano, scales, and basic chords to melody,
harmonization, and even progressions!
If you’re a newbie and want to be up and playing in less than a few days, you can’t afford to miss this opportunity at this incredible price. Click here to learn more
Hear and Play Vocal Mastery Series
A whopping 10-disc set, this course specializes in teaching you everything you need to know to start singing the right way.
From the basics and fundamentals to more involved techniques and exercises, you’ll get a comprehensive education on the what, why, and “HOW” of singing. Click here to learn more