"At Last...
Discover The Closely-Guarded Industry Secrets To
Playing Drums By Ear
Like A Pro!
Beginner Or Advanced, You'll Learn, Step-by-Step, Everything You Need To
Know To Play Basic And Advanced Grooves, Beats, Fills, Solos And
The secrets to playing
drums by ear even if you don't have any prior knowledge or past
How to
take your drumming to the next level if you already play well.
Advanced players: How to instantly incorporate fancy licks and
tricks into your drum playing.
If you're truly
serious about playing drums by ear (...or drastically improving your
skills), then I've got the answers you've been looking for on this
warn you, however...
...Because this isn't
a site for people who think they'll just magically pick up drum sticks and
play like a pro in a few hours.
But if you have the dedication, commitment, and drive to follow
a few easy fundamental techniques and secrets, then you'll benefit
tremendously from this site. I guarantee you.
You've probably come here because:
You want to learn drums by ear but have no idea where to
You've been intimidated by the drums and could never play
a steady beat in the past.
You play the drums decently but want to learn the "real"
secrets to sounding like a pro.
You consider yourself a good drummer but want to learn
more industry tricks, fills, and grooves.
You don't want to pay $30 an hour for lessons and would
rather learn at your own pace.
You play with or know a drummer who could benefit from the
step-by-step training found on this site.
If any of these sound like you, then I
encourage you to read every single word on this page to find out
how to finally stop wishing you sounded professional and start
Let's get started!
are FOUR primary ways to learn drums by ear...
Hear and audio explanation of
this section >>>
1) You can hire a teacher
WARNING: This will cost you about $30 per lesson. At
one lesson per week, you're looking at $120/month or over $1400/year ---
and these are modest estimates. And this is only if you can
find a good teacher that knows exactly the style of drums you want
to learn.
Someone who can show you the shortcuts,
tricks, and secrets and not purposefully take "their" time so that it
takes you months to get to a decent level.
Nothing against private teachers. If you can
afford it and you've got a great instructor, then you're definitely on the
right track.
You can figure it
out on your own by "trial" and "error"
Believe it or not, this can actually cost
you more than hiring a teacher in the long run.
think about it...
Have you ever heard a
seasoned professional talk about how long it took them to get to the level
they're now at?
10... 20... 30 years?
If you've got that kind of
time, go for it! The "school-of-hard-knocks" is the route many musicians
have gone.
...Not because they
preferred this route but because a lot of the information that is
available today was not available when they first got started.
3) You can shed with other
If you're blessed to be around talented,
professional drummers, then you'll definitely be exposed to their
techniques and tricks --- And you'll get better naturally because of it.
Unfortunately, this is not the case for most
struggling musicians.
In fact, you may find other musicians
reluctant to share techniques and tips with you.
"I got to the top on my own and so
should others," is the mentality a lot of top musicians share. Don't get me wrong...
there's some generous musicians out there and if you can shed with them,
you'll get to the next level at lot faster!
4) You can use self-help
material to learn at your own pace
The last (and best way in my opinion) is to
use self-help resources like the ones featured on this page to learn at a
comfortable pace.
not only save a ton of money, but you control how slow --- or how
fast you progress. If you want to start all over, that's your decision. If
you want to skip ahead, you have full control.
This is the approach hundreds of thousands
of musicians (if not millions) have gravitated towards since the advent of
the internet.
This is the "information
Gone are the days where you
have to depend on others to show you stuff... beg fellow drummers to show
you tricks and techniques, and pay for hundreds of dollars in lessons.
Introducing My Good Friend, Kennieth "Bam" Alexander
"Bam" Alexander has played for just about everyone in the industry. He's
toured with a countless number of artists in all genres and leads
workshops locally in his community.
He's been playing drums for over 20 years...
since the tender age of 2 and has certainly been through the "school of
hard knocks."
Having taught himself from scratch (and
later enrolling in a music studies program in college), Bam knows both
worlds --- how to read sheet music and most importantly, how to play by
was so impressed by Kennieth that I personally invited him to be
our drum instructor --- and you'll be glad I did as he shows
you, step by step, all the techniques, tricks, and secrets that took him
over 20 years to master!
Discover The Secrets To Playing Drums By Ear...
Hear and
audio explanation of this section >>>
from start to finish, everything you need to know to play drums like
a professional.
Learn tons of practice techniques that'll make you an expert drummer
in only half the time.
Explore the ins and outs of ALL your basic rudiments and why they
are so important on the drum set (...and not just in marching band
Cut your learning curve in half by learning a lot of the basics and
fundamentals that took Bam years to pick up on his own (independence,
timing, counting, rudiments on the drum set, fills, and more)!
Ready to order?
Independence for Beginners: How to make every limb play different
rhythms without getting confused.
How to properly hold the drum sticks and an overview on the various
types and sizes of drum sticks and their purposes.
Learn the major Do's and Don'ts when picking the right kind, brand,
and size of drum equipment to match your specific style.
Learn the basics to counting and what quarter, 8th, and 16th notes
Why the single-stroke roll, double-stroke roll, 5-stroke roll,
paradiddle, flam, and flam-tap are important and how to
incorporate them into your playing.
Ready to order?
Learn the secrets to accenting the right notes to gain a more
professional sound!
to create instant fills on the spot using Bam's unique "Chop Chop
Barbeque" method.
How to lock with the bass player and guarantee that you're always
laying a rock-solid foundation for the other members of the band.
Master loads of stop patterns that'll be sure to add
flavor to your playing.
Discover the secrets of "ghost notes" and the importance of using
them in your practice sessions and during live performances.
Explore time signatures like 4/4, 2/4, cut-time, 3/4, 6/8, and more!
The importance of your job as a drummer and how to play in the
How to play super fast flams on all drums --- especially the famous
"snare / floor-tom / kick-drum" flam combination.
How to alternate between various hi-hat patterns and the rules on
mixing and matching them to create an endless amount of grooves.
How to properly position your foot on the bass drum pedal to ensure
a strong, consistent hit each time.
Click to order
to play ultra-advanced fills, stroke-for-stroke! Bam repeats himself
plenty of times and takes these advanced fills slow enough for anyone to
catch on!
Master the art of "crossovers" and how to enhance your grooves and
fills by using them in the right places.
Diversify your playing by learning gospel, jazz, funk, rock, and
Latin grooves... all broken down, step-by-step.
Improve your bass pedal speed: Techniques and tricks that you can
use to double your foot speed right away.
The Art of Soloing: How to "wow" audiences by incorporating a
plethora of rhythms and tricks. Never play the same thing twice (... or
get caught for that matter)!
Cross-stick techniques and when to use them during live
Gospel playing: How to play uptempo shouting music on the drums. Click to order
Master hi-hat and ride cymbal techniques: When and why to play on
the bell of your ride cymbal (especially during uptempo beats).
Unique usages for the "triplet" and why it's so powerful when used
in various situations.
Rim shot secrets: What most musicians don't understand about rim
shots and how to use them appropriately.
Advanced "licks" and "tricks" that only experienced drummers should
try to imitate. All others beware.
much more!
Check Out These Video Clips From Hear & Play Drums 101, 102, & 103:
"Reserve Your Copies
Of The Hear & Play Drums Collection Today"
If you're truly serious about learning drums
or taking
your drum playing to new heights, then you'll definitely be one of the
next 350 musicians to take me up on
this incredible offer.
Not only am I dropping the price of these dvd courses a considerable amount,
but if you order today, I will also throw in the "early-bird" bonus items
Here's what you'll get in the Hear & Play Drums Collection:
Hear & Play Drums 101:
"Basics and Fundamentals to Playing Drums By Ear" is all
about getting you started playing the drums from the very beginning.
Step-by-step, you'll
explore your role as a drummer, how to hold drumsticks, how to
quickly develop independence between your hands and feet,
coordination, how to play "straight-ahead" beats, pocket-playing,
and how to do basic fills.
By the end of H&P
Drums 101, you'll have all your basics and fundamentals down pat
--- and you'll be playing various rhythms and grooves by ear!
Length: 60+ minutes
Hear & Play Drums 102:
"Intermediate Techniques & Rhythms" takes you by the hand and
shows you how to incorporate rudiments like single-stroke rolls,
double-stroke rolls, 5-stroke rolls, paradiddles, flams, and flam
taps into drum set playing.
Also enjoy learning
various 4/4, cut-time, and off-beat patterns as he takes you through
various genres: jazz, gospel, rock, funk, Latin, and others! You'll
also learn various fills and tricks to add to your playing almost
By the end of H&P
Drums 102, you'll have tons of integrated rudiments, grooves,
fills, and licks under your belt in no time!
Length: 90+ minutes
Hear & Play Drums 103:
"Advanced Licks, Tricks, & Grooves" is for any drummer looking
to add extra "licks" and "tricks" to their repertoire! From various
advanced grooves and beats to several stop patterns and
cymbal/hi-hat runs, you'll be equipped with tons of practical
elements to add to your playing right away!
Additionally, you'll
study crossovers, tom/floor-tom fills, double bass pedal techniques,
band playing, and more.
By the end of
Drums 103, you'll be playing like an expert with tons of
closely-guarded industry "tricks" that were previously only
reserved for the seasoned pros!
Length: 60+ minutes
...And For the
next 350 musicians only. (No exceptions after 350).
Bird" Super Bonus #1
Online Access to our "Secrets To Their Playing" Private Video
Archives ($39 value).
few years ago, we traveled all across
the west coast getting exclusive interviews with some of the top
musicians around.
The best part is that we videotaped
ALL of the interviews and have never released them until now! What
was supposed to be released separately for a monthly fee is now available to the
next 350 musicians to order our Hear & Play Drums Collection
for free.
You'll find interviews of
drummers, percussionists, keyboardists, organists, and more!
Over 2 hours of online
footage at your fingertips!
Bird" Super Bonus #2
Access To Our Live Training Seminar With
The Hear & Play Team ($33.95
the author of this course as he personally walks you through tips and
strategies that'll guarantee your success with this program. The training is
2 additional hours and available online immediately after you complete your
Session topic:
"How To Guarantee Your Success With The Hear and Play Drum
Collection!" 2 hours. Recording of entire event is available in the online
classroom for an unlimited amount of time.
Special Bonus Opportunity:
You'll Also Get 3 FREE
"Monthly Music Mentor"
Just For Trying This Program...
As a
very special one-time bonus, I'd also like to send you three free
courses from my Monthly Music Mentor CD of the month program,
which will help you to be equally equipped on the music side as you'll
be on the drumming side of things.
The Monthly Music Mentor program is aimed at teaching you everything you
need to know to play and understand music in the quickest and easiest way possible.
Just as it sounds, this program was designed to take you by the hand and
"mentor" you step-by-step through the musical process of playing
by ear. If you lack time and want to make the best of the limited time
you have, you're going to love what these monthly cd lessons will do for
Everyone knows the best drummers are also musically inclined so these
bonus courses will compliment your drum lessons by not only giving you
the musical foundation you need to excel in your drumming, but they'll
also give you the ability to know all the other instruments, especially
piano. If you hope to be a Music Director one day and command the whole
band from your drum throne, you'll need to know music and the inner
workings of it.
Here's how it works: Order now, and I'll throw in a one-month FREE
subscription to my Monthly Music Mentor program - PLUS you'll get three
free Monthly Music MentorTM introductory courses, which provide
an incredible introduction to the ongoing training... and you'll get
all this just for
trying this program.
The three courses you'll receive are "Piano By Ear For Starters"
2-hour course, "How To Find The Key To Any Song" 80-minute
course, and the first Monthly Music Mentor introductory CD (80-minute
"Getting Started" program). All of this is worth $79.95 but yours free
as a bonus today.
I'm so sure you're going to love Monthly Music Mentor courses that I'm even going
to pay the additional priority SHIPPING cost to send the starter kit to
If you love the three starter courses (which you will), keep them and stay subscribed to
the program. Every month, I'll send you a new lesson on CD, and you'll automatically be charged only
$15.95 a month... which is roughly just a quarter of what one private lesson would
cost you... and you can't rewind live lessons). You can cancel anytime you want with no questions or hassles.
If you cancel before 30 days, you won't be billed at all.
Three Courses Are Your Gifts
To Keep Either Way...
If you
get these 3 courses and you DON'T love them and get IMMEDIATE success with the material you learn, you can cancel
and keep all the courses FOR FREE... just for TRYING it. In other words,
you get to keep all the material for free either way... even if you
cancel right after you get it.
This bonus is worth
at least $79.95 alone, and it's yours free just for trying this program
--- but this special free offer is only available with your
purchase right now.
***If you
prefer NOT to get this free $79.95 bonus package, you can "opt out" with one click
while ordering... and simply complete your order without the free bonus
and 30-day trial. Your choice. It's that easy.
Even though, for all this, I could very well charge over $200.00 and still
get tons of orders for the 4 hours of step-by-step training ---
plus the 2+ hours in online "Secrets to Their Playing" bonus video footage, and the
bonus live training session.
Plus, you'll get the additional 3 Monthly Music MentorTM courses valued at
$79.95. So you're not only getting 4+ hours of step-by-step dvd footage on
playing basic, intermediate, and advanced drums by ear, but an
additional 4.5 hours of audio training in free bonuses to help you become an
all-around musically-inclined drummer. Then there's the ongoing support
--- what else
could you possibly ask for?
With the
bonuses valued at $152.90 alone and the DVD instruction valued at $120.00
(based on on the industry average of $30 per 1-hour dvd, which is actually
on the cheap end), I could offer this package as high as $272.90.In fact, many websites sell
courses in that price range that aren't as long as 4 hours and aren't packed
with as much information as ours.
But I'm not going to charge you $272.90 even though that's what this
comprehensive drums package and bonuses are worth. I'm not going to charge
you $150.00 --- I'm not even going to charge you the retail price of
$120.00 for this incredible package because I want as many people as
possible to take advantage of this awesome information at an
affordable price.
For just 2 easy monthly payments of $39, this entireHear & Play Drums Collection package
plus the bonus online videos, free music courses, live training session, and the online recording
of the event can be yours.
That's all three courses (Drums 101, Drums 102, & Drums 103) for the
price of one!
This offer is subject to change at any time so if you're really
interested in these dvd courses, I suggest you act quickly ---
otherwise, you might end up paying well over $120.00 in the future. Even
worse, you may be too late and not able to take advantage of the this
offer at all (we're only accepting the next 350 customers for the bonuses listed
don't release many courses. But when I do, I want to make sure that
you're getting back in information and helpful resources & tools
at least two to three times what you invest. That is always my goal and
I sincerely believe this is one of the best values you'll ever come
across for these courses.
Jermaine Griggs, President
If you fit any of these situations below, then you
need these training courses:
Do you desire to play the drums by
Are you sick of playing the
same stuff on the drums... over and over?
you want to learn fresh grooves, beats, fills, and licks without
having to figure them out on your own?
you like to learn from someone who's been playing for over 20
years and has already overcome all the same problems you're facing
The next 350
to order will be guaranteed to receive the online bonus STTP
videos (coupon and code sent via mail with package) and
training session/event recording.
Your "Nothing to Lose And
Everything To Gain" Guarantee
Listen to my personal guarantee
for any reason in the next 365 days, you don't agree this incredible
program is worth every penny, simply return it (and keep the free bonuses as
a gift). You will receive every single dime of your money
back minus the shipping costs. You won't be sold another product. You won't be
asked any questions. It's as simple as that.
My accountant thought I was crazy to even offer ANY type of return policy or guarantee on a
dvd or audio course because of the many ways people could cheat us... let alone
a full 365-day year guarantee. However, I believe in my programs,
and I believe in my students so much that I am willing
to allow you to test drive it on me. Heck, I'm even willing to take on even
more risk by letting you break up your payments into multiple months.
So not only do you get the flexible payment
plan, but you have a full year to decide whether
this course is for you. At 2 monthly payments of $39, you are losing absolutely nothing
and the risk is all on me. What else can I say?
Jermaine Griggs -- President
HearandPlay.com &
Your package is shipped via USPS Priority Mail. You
will receive the Hear & Play Drums Collection in a week or so
(depending on the shipping options available) and you can get
started learning new beats, grooves, rhythms, fills, rudiments, and
tricks the same day you receive it!
I look forward to receiving your success story very soon.
Jermaine Griggs, President
Hear and Play Music Group
P.S. Don't forget --- I am including a few
bonuses (totaling over $152.90) and special pricing for those who
take me up on this today. I honestly don't know how long this will
You Have Two Options:
Physical Dvd Version (Sent in the mail) $272.90(Special Offer:
2 monthly payments of $39)
SOLD OUT - Downloadable Option Available Below
Downloadable Digital
Version (Not sent in the mail) $272.90(Special Offer:
2 monthly
payments of $39) *Instant
Access | Save On Shipping*
Basically, we've "digitized" each of
our courses and turned them into high-quality, full-length, full-sized (640 x
480) movie files that you can download directly to your computer
Benefits of downloading digital courses:
Save $7-$24 on shipping fees
depending on your Country (there are *NO* shipping costs)
Download our best-selling
courses in minutes. Start learning from the comfort of your own home TODAY.
waiting for your package to arrive in the mail. This allows you to start
learning immediately after the download finishes.
Download any time you want, on
as many computers as you want. I've invested $15,000 to create a download
center from the ground up. This download center allows you to log in from
anywhere and download courses you've purchased any time. So you never have to
worry about your computer crashing or losing what you've paid for... or
anything like that.
Go green! By downloading our
courses electronically, you're helping the environment. No dvds to
manufacture, no pollution caused by delivery trucks, no storage. Everything's
What if I lose the file I
I've personally invested $15,000
in building a "download center" from the ground up. This download center allows
you to log in with your e-mail address and birthday (as your password so that
you'll NEVER forget it) and retrieve your digital courses from anywhere... any
time you want.
You can download our courses on
every computer, at work, on your laptop, anywhere. And if your computer ever
crashes, no problem... just log into our state-of-the-art download center and
retrieve it again. A piece of cake.
How long will it take to
It depends on your connection
speed. Our downloadable files can range from 70 megabytes to 500 megabytes. Your
file can take anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours or more to download depending
on how fast your internet is. Most people just let it go overnight and wake up
to a fully downloadable file!
On my computer, I had a 1-hour
digital disc downloaded and ready to play in 14 minutes & 30 seconds:
*Not recommended
for dial-up modems or very slow connections.
Can I burn files
to a cd or dvd?
Most certainly. Feel
free to burn them to dvd, cd, transfer them to your ipod or video player, and
save on multiple computers. The choice is yours. (Technical skills required).
Overseas? You
Save Even More! No More Shipping
shipping fees can range from $24-$38 or more, depending on the size of the
order. Because you'll be downloading the material directly to your computer,
there are no shipping fees.
In addition to the
substantial savings in shipping, the normal 1-2 week delivery time is eliminated
as you'll be able to download our material in minutes (...a few hours at the
most, depending on your internet speed).
And you'll be able
to return to our download center any time you want to re-download courses to
different computers, add other digital courses to your account with a click of a
button, and retrieve bonus material.