HearandPlay.com Monthly Newsletter --- April 2004!
Serving 68,464 Musicians Worldwide!
I. Welcome
II. Exciting Announcements!!!
III. Online Classroom:
       "How to Add Bigger 3-6-2-5-1 Progressions to your Songs!"
Dear Subscriber,
Welcome to April's newsletter. This month, we will get a little more advanced and focus on "3-6-2-5-1" progressions.
If you haven't noticed by now, what we are doing is simply adding chords to our basic "5-1" progression. Having started with the "5-1," we added the "2" to create a "2-5-1" progression.
Last month, we added the "6" to create "6-2-5-1" progressions. Now, we are simply adding the "3" chord to create "3-6-2-5-1" progressions.
These progressions are used in gospel, jazz, blues, r&b, and more! I hope you enjoy...

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Exciting Announcements!
HearandPlay.com Toolbar: Visit http://www.hearandplaytoolbar.com to download our free internet toolbar. This tool will allow you to access every resource section on our site ... INSTANTLY!
HearandPlay.com Chatroom: Visit: https://www.hearandplay.com/chat every Monday and Thursday night as I answer your questions, share new chords and progressions, and help you to overcome any issues you're facing.
"The Secrets to Playing Piano By Ear" 300pg Course - Learn the secrets to playing literally any song on the piano with a few simple, "easy-to-understand" techniques and principles! Join Jermaine Griggs in learning tons of music theory, concepts, and tricks that will help you to learn piano by ear! Thousands of musicians have already taken advantage of this excellent program ... why not you?

"The Secrets to Playing Piano By Ear" is full of easy-to-understand tricks, tips, techniques and secrets to playing piano by ear! For this month only, I've also been able to throw in a few bonus items (3 additional piano software programs). Click here to learn the secrets to playing absolutely any song on the piano in virtually minutes! You won't regret it!


Online Classroom:
"How to Add Bigger 3-6-2-5-1 Progressions
 to your Songs!"
Note: You might want to print this lesson out for easier


The "3-6-2-5-1" progression is common in gospel music and creates a distinct sound. In this month's classroom lesson, I am going to share with you a few of my favorite "3-6-2-5-1" progressions and how to use them in your gospel music.

Like every other progression we've learned, this one simply adds on to the "6-2-5-1" progression from March. In fact, the "3" chord simply pulls us towards the "6-2-5-1 progression.

So it is safe to say that any "6-2-5-1" chord progression with the addition of the "3" chord can be transformed into a "3-6-2-5-1" progression.


First, I want to explore "3" chords that will actually pull us towards our "6-2-5-1" progression. Let's explore the following chords:

(In the key of Db major):

D major scale =  Db - Eb - F - Gb - Ab - Bb - C - Db




F7 (#9#5)

Left hand = F       *       Right hand = A + Db + Eb +Ab



F7 (b9#5)

Left hand = F        *       Right hand = A + Db + Eb + Gb



Dmaj / F

Left hand = F        *        Right hand = A + D + F#



F7 (b9)

Left hand = F         *       Right hand = Gb + A + C + Eb



Fmin7 (b5)

Left hand = F         *       Right hand = Ab + B + Eb



Ab (add 9) / F

Left hand = F        *        Right hand = Eb + Ab + Bb + C

Ok, now that we have learned a few "3" chords, let's combine them with "6-2-5-1" to create our "3-6-2-5-1" progressions.


"3" chord:  A + Db + Eb + Ab / F

"6" chord: Ab + C + Db + F / Bb

"2" chord: G + C + Db + F / Eb

"5" chord: C + F + A / Ab

"1" chord: Bb + Eb + Ab / Db



"3" chord: A + Db + Eb + Gb / F

"6" chord (1): Ab + C + Eb + G / Bb

"6" chord (2): Ab + B + D + F / Bb

"2" chord: Gb + Bb + Db + F / Eb

"5" chord: F + A + C + F / Ab

"1" chord: Eb + Ab + Db / Db



"3" chord: A + D + F# / F

"6" chord: Ab + C + Db + F / Bb

"2" chord: Db + Gb + Bb / Eb

"5" chord: C + F + A / Ab

"1" chord: Bb + Eb + Ab / Db



"3" chord: Gb + A + C + Eb / F

"6" chord (1): F + Ab + Db / Bb

"6" chord (2): F + Ab + B + D / Bb

"2" chord: Gb + Bb + Db + F / Eb

"5" chord: Gb + Bb + C + F / Ab

"1" chord: Eb + Ab + Db / Db



"3" chord: Ab + B + Eb / F

"6" chord: Ab + B + D / Bb

"2" chord: A + Db + Eb + Gb / Eb

"5" chord (1): Ab + Db + F / Ab

"5" chord (2): C + F + A / Ab

"1" chord: Bb + Eb + Ab / Db



"3" chord: Eb + Ab + Bb + C / F

"6" chord: F + Ab + Db / Bb

"2" chord: Gb + Bb + Db + F + Ab / Eb

"5" chord: F + A + C + F / Ab

"1" chord: Eb + Ab + Db / Db


This concludes April's Online Classroom Lesson
If you were intrigued by the online classroom lesson above,
then you would definitely benefit from my course!
*** “The Secrets to Playing Piano By Ear” 300-pg Course ***
With 20 chapters and over 300 pages, the home piano course provides several resources, techniques, tips, principles, and theories to playing the piano by ear. Along with hundreds of chords and scales, you'll also learn how to turn them into gospel, jazz and blues chord progressions and better yet, how to use them to play ABSOLUTELY any song you want ... IN VIRTUALLY MINUTES! Again, don't miss this opportunity. I've even added an additional bonus if you purchase the course this week --- You can read more about the course at:

Enjoy this edition? Visit our message board and let us know!
Please Let a friend know about HearandPlay.com! PLEASE FORWARD
Yours Truly,
Jermaine Griggs

 Further References

"The Secrets to Playing Piano By Ear" 300-pg Course

[5] Chord Progressions: pgs 65-78, 105-130, 147-165, 182-227.

Do you know what a2-5-1” or "3-6-2-5-1" progression is? Or perhaps the famous 12-bar blues chord progression? In this piano course, you will not only learn how to play gospel, blues, and jazz progressions, but how to recognize them in songs. In addition, you will learn the simple techniques to playing these progressions, hymns, and songs in all 12 major keys! ... Enjoy learning:

The famous "2-5-1" Chord Progression: pgs 114-120, 153-156, 208, 235-236.

I - IV - I - V - I Chord Progressions: pgs 66-70.

I - IV - V - IV - I Chord Progressions: pgs 77-78.

Techniques behind the famous "5-->1" progression: pgs 68-72.

I --> IV,  I --> V Chord Progressions: pgs 74-75.

"Circle of Fifths" Chord Exercises: pg 78.

Major and Minor Chord Progressions: pgs 105-130.

"6 - 2 - 5 - 1" Chord Progressions: pgs 121-122, 157-159.

"3 - 6 - 2 - 5 - 1" Chord Progressions: pgs 122-123, 160-162.

"7 - 3 - 6 - 2 - 5 - 1" Chord Progressions: pgs 124-125, 190-191.

Gospel Chord Progressions ... ranging from "up-tempo praise" chord Progressions to "worship-oriented" chord progressions: pgs 65-78, 105-130, 147-165, 182-227.

Various Blues Progressions ... 12-bar, seventh chords, diminished chords ... and others: pgs 163-165, 192.

Jazz Chord Progressions ... using dominant ninth, eleventh and thirteenth chords: pgs 193-240

Study the different types of Root Progressions --- closing, opening, circular and other types of progressions: pgs 121-122.

Study how chord tones and scale degrees relate to each other [which chord progressions are most likely to be compatible]: pgs 122-130.

Learn various "turn-around" progressions [used in gospel music]: pg 213-214.

If you don't have the 300-pg Course, click here to read more about it.