Every key has primary chords and secondary chords.
In fact, without even knowing they are called “primary chords,” you’ve probably realized certain chords appear in certain keys more than others.
Yup, those chords are the ones built off the 1st, 4th, and 5th degrees of the scale.
Consider the C major scale:
If you numbered this scale, you’d get the following:
C is 1
D is 2
E is 3
F is 4
G is 5
A is 6
B is 7
The 1st tone is obviously C, the fourth tone is F, and the fifth tone is G.
These are all major chords (for reasons discussed here).
C major
F major
G major
If you’ve ever played in the key of C, you’ll be hard pressed not to play these three chords numerous times.
But what if I told you there was an easy way to learn the primary chords of ALL 12 keys?
While C major is a primary chord in the keys of F and G, no one key has the same combination of primary chords.
For example, in the key of F, the primary chords are:
F major
Bb major
C major
In the key of G, the primary chords are:
G major
C major
D major
Primary Chords and the Circle of Fifths
Here’s how to find the primary chords of any key in literally 2 seconds.
Step 1: Circle any three neighboring notes on the circle
Step 2: Those 3 keys are the primary chords of the one in the middle
If you circle C, F, and Bb, those are the primary chords of F (because F is the key in the middle).
It’s that simple!
Here are the primary chords of every key:
C major: C major, F major, G major
F major: F major, Bb major, C major
Bb major: Bb major, Eb major, F major
Eb major: Eb major, Ab major, Bb major
Ab major: Ab major, Db major, Eb major
Db major: Db major, Gb major, Ab major
F# major: F# major, B major, C# major
B major: B major, E major, F# major
E major: E major, A major, B major
A major: A major, D major, E major
D major: D major, G major, A major
G major: G major, C major, D major
Reference: More information on primary chords
Until next time!
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