• I can’t hold it in anymore

    in Other Stuff

    Lately, there’s been a lot of talk about this so-called gospel musicians’ “secret.”

    In fact, this “secret” is suppose to be the ONE thing that connects every “big name” gospel musician together.

    They all know what it is. Heck, they’ve even learned how to manipulate it so much that it can literally evoke any kind of emotion when used properly.

    And what it all boils down to is their ability to find unique ways to use this secret in musical situations at church that most gospel musicians can’t begin to fathom.

    Sadly, the big-time musicians want to keep this gospel “secret” to themselves (and I’m sure you probably know why by now)…

    Why? Because the secret I’m about to reveal to you (that no one else wants to share) combined with a few more techniques, produces the hottest sound to ever hit contemporary gospel music… PERIOD.

    And to be quite honest, it hasn’t always been accepted by the church. Several hundred years ago, its sound would have been classified as the “devil’s music.”

    Today, it is the most commonly used “secret” in contemporary worship music.

    Warning: Most gospel musicians think they know how to use this secret but they’ve only employed a fraction of its true power.

    But because I know you’re serious about your playing, I want to give you a sneak peak of this secret for *f*r*e*e*.

    And if you’re really committed to your growth like I think you are, you will take this secret and apply it to every aspect of your playing. Your worship services depend on it.

    (Just wait… when your church hears how you’ve manipulated this “secret” to transform your playing, they won’t believe it’s the same person on the keys).

    I’ve shared this secret in depth with a few of my closest students and each and every one of them were blown away by these practical techniques. Not just because these techniques instantly expanded their playing but because they were so easy to incorporate, yet only the big-time musicians use them in such ways.

    Listen, I don’t know how long these video clips will be up so if I were you, I’d hurry to watch all 8 of them now. You’ll also want to get on the notification list to be contacted when more information is available.

    Hurry to ==> https://www.hearandplay.com/thesecret

    If you want to find out what this “secret” is, rush to the link below:


    (You won’t be sorry).

    P.S. – The secret is called the “_________.” If you think you know the true power of the ________, think again! True _________ mastery awaits you.

    Get the secret at: https://www.hearandplay.com/thesecret

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    Hi, I'm Jermaine Griggs, founder of this site. We teach people how to express themselves through the language of music. Just as you talk and listen freely, music can be enjoyed and played in the same way... if you know the rules of the "language!" I started this site at 17 years old in August 2000 and more than a decade later, we've helped literally millions of musicians along the way. Enjoy!

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