The organ is a lot different from the piano, although the concept of progressions and how chord changes work generally remain the same.
Basically, a “2-5-1″ progression on the piano is still a “2-5-1″ progression on the organ. For example, in the key of C major, the progression would still consist of some kind of D chord (almost always minor) going to a G chord, finally ending at a C chord. While this doesn’t change on the organ, how you play each particular chord will differ from the piano.
I would argue that if you understand the way music works… how scales create chords >>> chords create progressions >>> progressions create songs — then you already have a head-start when it comes to picking up a new instrument (…even guitar).
Don’t get me wrong… there are some differences:
One major difference between the piano/keyboard and organ is what I call the “third element.” You’re now managing a foot pedal along with both your left and right hands.
Right off the bat, it requires more coordination. Then… there’s the “don’t lift your fingers” rule and the “slide” technique to make your chords sound smooth. Of course, you have to know how to operate the organ (the drawbars, settings, switches, percussions, etc.).
With all of this aside, what it all amounts to is the foot and left hand, in my opinion.
In gospel music, most of us are familiar with playing chords on the right hand. If you play with a band, then you’re probably already accustomed to splitting up your chords into two hands with both your left and right hands constantly at work.
If you’re solo, then you’ve probably grown to play bass patterns (or power chords) on your left with full chords on your right.
The organ changes all of this because it gives you a “bass player” (so to speak) — YOUR FOOT!
The good thing about this is that it frees your left hand up to do many things.
==> For example, you can play chords on your left and solo with scales, modes, and “licks” on your right hand.
==> You can play a huge chord by starting it on your left and ending it on your right.
==> You can take what you are playing on your right hand and play a variation of it on the left hand making your chord sound full!
==> You can play the same “lick” on your left and right hands while walking the bass on your foot.
… and the list goes on.
So on that note, I want to give you some of the same chord progressions you’ll be learning in GospelKeys 450 – Worship Chords & Voicings!” I warn you… the chords taught in 450 aren’t for the pure beginner.
Note: You will hear a piano sound on the midi files that accompany these written examples. However, these chords sound best when played on the organ with a foot pedal, left hand, and right hand (exactly as shown).
Example Chord Progression #1
First, I’ll give you a 2-5-1 progression..
“2-5-1″ progressions are very popular and commonly used to end a song or to wrap a verse back around to the beginning.
They are called 2-5-1’s because each number represents a tone of the major scale you’re playing in.
C major:
C = 8 (or basically “1″ again).
In the key of C major, the 2nd degree of the scale is D. Likewise, the 5th degree is G and if you’re catching on, the 1st degree is C itself.
So basically any chord based on D (usually minor) going to any 5… then back home to the 1st tone would constitute a “2-5-1″ progression.
On the organ, this is no different.
Since there are 12 major keys, there are 12 major keys a chord progression could possibly be in.
In GospelKeys 450, we’re in the key of Db major.
Therefore, our numbers would come from the Db major scale:
Db Eb F Gb Ab Bb C Db
Db = 1
Eb = 2
F = 3
Gb = 4
Ab = 5
Bb = 6
C = 7
Db = 8 (or basically “1″ again).
Now for the chord progression:
Ebmin11 (pronounced “E flat minor eleventh”)
Left hand: Db F Ab Bb
Right hand: Db F Ab
Bass pedal: Eb
Ab13 (b9)
Left hand: C Gb
Right hand: C F A C
Bass pedal: Ab
Db 9/6
Left hand: F Bb
Right hand: Eb Ab Db
Bass pedal: Db
Midi file example (must be logged in):
*With a program like Van Basco’s Karaoke ( ), you can load these midi file examples and it will show you exactly what notes are being played.
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Example Chord Progression #2
This next set of chords is also a “2-5-1″ chord progression.
Ebmin11 (voiced differently)
Left hand: Gb Ab Bb
Right hand: Db F Ab
Bass pedal: Eb
Ab13 (b9)
Left hand: Eb Gb A C
Right hand: F A C
Bass pedal: Ab
Db 9/6
Left hand: F Ab Bb C
Right hand: Eb Ab C
Bass pedal: Db
Midi file example (must be logged in):
*With a program like Van Basco’s Karaoke ( ), you can load these midi file examples and it will show you exactly what notes are being played.
Example Chord Progression #3
Now, we’ll change things up a little bit and learn examples of the “7-3-6″ progression. In GospelKeys 450, you’ll learn how to apply these progressions in real-life songs. For now, I’ll introduce them just so that you can get an idea of how chords are voiced on the organ.
Similar to the 2-5-1 progression, the numbers come from the major scale that you’re playing in.
In our case, it’s Db major:
Db Eb F Gb Ab Bb C Db
Db = 1
Eb = 2
F = 3
Gb = 4
Ab = 5
Bb = 6
C = 7
Db = 8 (or basically “1″ again).
So in the key of Db major, a 7-3-6 progression would be some kind of C chord going to an F chord… then resting on a Bb chord. Let’s check out an example:
C7 (#9#5)
Left hand: E Bb
Right hand: Eb Ab C
Bass pedal: C
F7 (#9#5)
Left hand: Eb A Db
Right hand: F Ab Db
Bass pedal: F
Left hand: Db F Ab C
Right hand: Eb Ab C
Bass pedal: Bb
Midi file example (must be logged in):
*With a program like Van Basco’s Karaoke ( ), you can load these midi file examples and it will show you exactly what notes are being played.
Example Chord Progression #4
Here’s another version of the 7-3-6 progression:
C7 (#9b5)
Left hand: C E
Right hand: Bb Eb Gb
Bass pedal: C
Left hand: Eb G
Right hand: Bb D F
Bass pedal: F
Bbmaj9 (add 6)
Left hand: D F G
Right hand: A C D F
Bass pedal: Bb
Midi file example (must be logged in):
*With a program like Van Basco’s Karaoke ( ), you can load these midi file examples and it will show you exactly what notes are being played.
Example Chord Progression #5
My last example has the same purpose as the previous two progressions (…that is, to get you to the 6th degree of the scale). However, instead of using conventional ways to get there like the 7-3-6, it uses the #4 and #5 (”sharped fourth and sharped fifth”) to get to the 6th degree.
Bass pattern: G >>> A >>> Bb
G7 / 6 (#5)
Left hand: F B Eb
Right hand: F B E
Bass pedal: G
Amin7 (#5)
Left hand: G C F
Right hand: G C F
Bass pedal: A
Left hand: Ab C Db F
Right hand: Ab C Eb
Bass pedal: Bb
Midi file example (must be logged in):
I hope you enjoyed these worship chord voicings for the organ. As you can see, these aren’t basic chords and may take some time to get used to. However, once you learn the secrets to how these fancy worship chords are constructed, you’re playing will never be the same.
If you were intrigued by the lesson above, I invite you to check out for more information on GospelKeys 350 and GospelKeys 450.
Until next time!
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