• A quick study on intervals

    in Theory

    By now, you should already know what Whole and Half steps are.

    To review:

    Half Step (h): From key to key (no keys in between)
    Whole Step (w): Every other key (one key in between)


    2 Half steps = 1 whole step
    2 Whole steps = 4 Half Steps
    1 Half Step = 1 / 2 Whole Step


    C to E = 2 Whole Steps / or 4 Half Steps
    F to F# = 1 Half Step
    G to C = 5 Half Steps / 2.5 Half Steps


    Intervals are important. They form major, minor, and other type of chords.

    Do you know what an interval is?

    An Interval in music, is the “distance in pitch between two notes.” In our 300-pg course, we cover over 7 different types of Intervals (major, perfect, melodic, harmonic, minor, augmented, diminished, etc)

    In this lesson, we will cover only two:

    Major Intervals & Perfect Intervals


    Major Third:

    Is the distance between the root and the (3) degree of a major scale.

    For example, in (C major), the root is (C) of course, and the (3) degree is: (E).

    (C) and (E) played together is classified as a “major third.” This is the beginning of a major chord.

    Perfect Fifth:

    Is the distance between the root and the (5) degree of a major scale.

    For example, in (C major), the root is (C), and the 5th degree is: (G)

    (C) and (G) played together is classified as a “perfect fifth.”

    As you will learn tomorrow, these two intervals combine to make up the “major chord.”

    Try to figure out the major third and perfect fifth intervals in all 12 major keys!

    See you later and thank you for your time!

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    Hi, I'm Jermaine Griggs, founder of this site. We teach people how to express themselves through the language of music. Just as you talk and listen freely, music can be enjoyed and played in the same way... if you know the rules of the "language!" I started this site at 17 years old in August 2000 and more than a decade later, we've helped literally millions of musicians along the way. Enjoy!

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