• Spell Check: How Well Do You Know The Tones Of The F#/Gb Major Scale?

    in Beginners,Exercises,Experienced players,Piano,Theory

    In this spell check lesson, I’ll be seeing how well you know the tones of the F# and Gb major scale.

    F# and Gb sound alike when played:



    There’s practically no difference between both notes when they are heard and that’s because of the enharmonic equivalence between them. The enharmonic equivalence between F# and Gb does not mean that they are the same note and can be used interchangeably.

    Even though they have the same pitch, F# is an entirely different note from Gb and we’ll be starting this lesson by taking a look at the difference between these notes.

    “So, What’s The Difference Between F# And Gb?”

    It’s easy to understand the difference between F# and Gb if you’re a sheet musician. So, I’ll explain the difference between both notes for sheet musicians, the for ear musicians.

    “In Sheet Music”

    Every musical note has its position on the staff: F is a staff position and so is G. One of the main differences between F# and Gb is that they don’t occupy the same staff position.

    On the treble staff:

    F# will occupy the first space or the fifth line on the staff.

    Gb will occupy the second line on the staff.

    F# and Gb are two different notes and the difference in staff position between them tells it all.

    “For Those Who Play By The Ear…”

    F# is associated with F:

    Raising F:

    …by a half-step produces F#:

    …while Gb is associated with G:

    Lowering G:

    …by a half-step produces Gb:

    So, F# and Gb are not derived from the same note. F# is derived from F while Gb is derived from G.

    Spell Check: The F# Major Scale

    The question here is:

    What is the seventh tone of the F# major scale?

    Attention: Make sure you answer the question before you proceed.

    Spell Check: The Gb Major Scale

    To prove how well you know the Gb major scale, you’ll have to answer the question below?

    What is the fourth tone of the Gb major scale?

    Attention: The answers to the questions are in the next segment.

    Final Words

    I’m sure you’ve learned something from this lesson.

    Have you thought about sharing this lesson with your friends on social media? If you enjoyed this lesson, kindly share it on any social media platform of your choice so that other musicians out there can benefit too.

    Meanwhile, you can post your questions, comments, suggestions, and contributions in the comment section.

    See you in the next lesson.

    The Answers

    Question #1

    The seventh tone of the F# major scale:

    …is E#:

    Question #2

    The fourth tone of the Gb major scale:

    …is Cb:

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    Onyemachi "Onye" Chuku is a Nigerian musicologist, pianist, and author. Inspired by his role model (Jermaine Griggs) who has become his mentor, what he started off as teaching musicians in his Aba-Nigeria neighborhood in April 2005 eventually morphed into an international career that has helped hundreds of thousands of musicians all around the world. Onye lives in Dubai and is currently the Head of Education at HearandPlay Music Group and the music consultant of the Gospel Music Training Center, all in California, USA.

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