• A Smarter Way To Transpose The Minor Pentatonic Blues Scale

    If you’re looking for another way to transpose the minor pentatonic blues scale, check out this lesson.

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    Here Are The Two Schools Of Transposition

    This lesson exposes you to the concept of transposition, its use and abuse, and most importantly, the two schools of transposition.

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    Relating Tonalities With Modes

    In this lesson, you’ll be learning how to create relationships with several keys using modes.

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    Electronic Transposition: The Consequence of Indecision

    In a previous article, we considered two approaches to transposition – electronic transposition (mostly bad) vs mental transposition (always good). Here’s the reason why you’re not playing in all 12 keys.

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    The “Mental” vs “Electronic” Approach to Transposition

    In this article, learn what transposition is, the difference between mental and electronic transposition, which one is bad, and useful methods to transpose any chord, progression, or song into a new key.

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    12 Reasons To Learn All 12 Keys

    Since I’ve been promoting my “Instant Transposer” software lately, I thought I’d share this list of 12 reasons to learn all 12 keys. Check it out! Reason #1 – Versatility: Nothing feels better than knowing you can play a song or accompany a singer in any key you want. If the singer cannot reach certain notes and […]

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    The Most Practical Way To Master All 12 Keys

    I’m often asked the best way to learn all 12 keys and while I’ve advocated many methods in the past, the most practical way is to adapt my “3 x 12” rule.

    Simply put: Take 3 songs you know and learn them in all 12 keys.

    It helps if they are songs that utilize a variety of different chords. That’s why picking 3 is important because between them, you should get a good mix of chords off every tone of the scale…

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