• Top Two Reasons Why I Think Beginners Should Focus On Learning Major Chords

    in Beginners,Chords & Progressions,General Music,Piano,Theory

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    I really think that beginners should focus on learning major chords.

    This is not to say that other chord types — minor, diminished, and augmented — are not important but there are a variety of reasons why beginners should focus on learning major chord.

    In this lesson, I’ll not only be exposing you to top two reasons why I think so, I’ll also show you the benefits of learning and mastering major chords.

    “Before Anything Else, What Are Major Chords?”

    Major chords are easy.

    If you can play the major scale, then you’re just a few steps away from playing the major chord and I’ll tell you why. By now, you should be familiar with the C major scale:

    So, with the C major scale:

    …you can easily come up with the C major chord by isolating the first, third, and fifth tones (which are C, E, and G):

    C is the first tone:

    E is the third tone:

    G is the fifth tone:

    Now, that’s the C major chord:

    …and every major chord can also be formed this way.

    Time isn’t on our side today for me to show you the components of the major chord and why it’s called the major chord but you can check this lesson out: The Major Chord.

    “Here Are All The Major Chords On The Keyboard…”

    C major chord:

    Db major chord:

    D major chord:

    Eb major chord:

    E major chord:

    F major chord:

    Gb major chord:

    G major chord:

    Ab major chord:

    A major chord:

    Bb major chord:

    B major chord:

    Why I Think Beginners Should Focus On Learning Major Chords

    There are a lot of things the beginner is overwhelmed with and I know this for sure because I was once a beginner.

    When it comes to learning chords, the beginner is faced with learning major chords, minor chords, diminished chords, and augmented chords starting from every key note on the keyboard.

    If you do the math, that’s 48 chords altogether:

    12 major chords

    12 minor chords

    12 diminished chords

    12 augmented chords

    Now, instead of getting overwhelmed with all these chords, I’m saying that you should focus on learning and mastering major chords and that’s just 25% of all the fantastic four chords.

    Reason #1 — “Major Chords Are Primary Chords”

    In the major key, the major chords are known as the primary chords of the key and this means that a lot of the chord progression and harmony in the major key are derived from the major chords.

    For example, in the key of C major:

    …the three major chords in the key are as follows:

    The C major chord:

    The F major chord:

    The G major chord:

    …and the basic harmony of the key revolves around these chords and that’s why they are called the primary chords and every other chord is secondary to these major chords.

    “In A Nutshell…”

    You can accompany songs, play tons of chord progressions, and do a whole lot more with major chords and even if they’re all you know, you can get away with basic hymns, nursery rhymes, anthems, folk songs, etc.

    If all the chords you know in the key of C major are the primary chords (which are also the major chords), you have the basic information you need to get started and get going.

    Reason #2 — “Major Chords Are A Reference To The Formation Of Other Chord Types”


    Final Words

    Thank you for your time!

    Attention: Questions, suggestions, and contributions are anticipated and I’ll keep an eye in the comment section.

    Special appreciation goes to our founder, Jermaine Griggs (who is also my role-model) for the opportunity to share with you today on the major chord.

    See you tomorrow!

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    Onyemachi "Onye" Chuku is a Nigerian musicologist, pianist, and author. Inspired by his role model (Jermaine Griggs) who has become his mentor, what he started off as teaching musicians in his Aba-Nigeria neighborhood in April 2005 eventually morphed into an international career that has helped hundreds of thousands of musicians all around the world. Onye lives in Dubai and is currently the Head of Education at HearandPlay Music Group and the music consultant of the Gospel Music Training Center, all in California, USA.

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