• Playing scales with major seventh chords

    in Chords & Progressions,Scales

    “The C major scale with 7th chords”

    This progression is very interesting. It does not utilize every note of the 7th chord however. In fact, it only utilizes 3 fingers of the chord (but sounds excellent)!

    Here it is:

    1) Bass = C

    Right hand = E + B + E (higher)

    Note: With the “B”, after you have played the chord above, play “A”, then return back to the “B.” Because I have to write this, it is very hard to explain. I’ll try:

    Right hand = E + “B” + E
    Right hand = E + “A” + E
    Right hand = E + “B” + E

    Note: You don’t even have to play the two “E’s” on the end each time. Just alternate between the “B” and “A.” You will have to do this with every chord below. Simply alternate the 2nd finger with the white note right next to it, ok?

    1) Bass = C

    Right hand = E + B + E

    2) Bass = D

    Right hand = F + C + F

    3) Bass = E

    Right hand = G + D + G

    4) Bass = F

    Right hand = A + E + A

    5) Bass = G

    Right hand = B + F + B

    6) Bass = A

    Right hand = C + G + C

    7) Bass = B

    Right hand = D + A + D

    8) Bass = C

    Right hand = E + B + E (back to the beginning)

    There’s since been an update to this post per a comment left by one of our students. I then replied with a quick mp3 file explaining the concept a little more. Check out the discussion and audio clip below…
    Update: Check out this newer lesson for additional insight on this progression.
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