the secrets to playing fast, uptempo, spirit-filled
Give me two hours
and I'll share with you dozens of techniques, principles,
tips, and tricks to playing shouting music ---
Click here if you've never heard of "shouting music" before.

My name is Jermaine Griggs, and on the following page, I'm
going to show you why over
197,000+ musicians
around the world rely on my techniques and concepts to learn gospel
music by ear...
... (Yes, that's 197,000 students).
if you're truly serious about taking your gospel piano playing to
the next level (especially your understanding of fast shouting
music), I recommend that you read every word on this page as your
gospel piano playing will never be the same!
the type of person that wants to know why I play what I play and I
can't tell you how many courses I've bought where I just sat at my
television and marveled at how good the person was. Never before was
I able to imitate what the teacher on the screen was doing until I
started following your methods Jermaine. You make it so easy to
follow and you just have a gift for expressing yourself clearly. I
encourage you to keep providing these gospel music resources because
they are truly blessing people like me." Francine McDonald,
43, Mississippi
Current Students:
Click here
to find out how this article is different from GK300 |
From: Minister Jermaine Griggs
Monday, 7:15 a.m.
Listen to a Personal Message
from Jermaine Griggs...
Dear Gospel Musician,
If you've always
imagined yourself playing fast, uptempo "shouting" music at church
--- or being able to play in a band during high praise moments of a
...Then this may be
one of the most important letters you'll ever read concerning this
style of playing.
In fact, this is one
of the very few resources available on "shouting music," as you just
don't hear of this concept being taught at the local performing arts
academy or university.
When's the last time
you've heard of someone receiving a certification or degree in
"spirit-filled, uptempo, shouting music?" You probably
... Why are there so
many churches on every corner but very few resources to equip
gospel musicians with the information and techniques necessary to
effectively lead their church services?
One of the answers is that
gospel music is so specialized and unique that the average classical
or jazz teacher either cannot play the style very well (...and thus
can't really teach it) OR doesn't care to teach the style
because there are enough customers that want to sight read or play
classical music.
As honestly as I can put it...
It just takes a
spirit-filled person to teach a sprit-filled style of music.
talking about learning, step-by-step:
>>> How to
skillfully play the piano, organ, or keyboard during "high praise"
moments of the service. These are times when the saints of
God are dancing and shouting for Jesus!
>>> How to
keep the "shouting period" strong and progressive with a number of
left and right-hand chordal movements and techniques.
>>> How to
build up shouting music from scratch. From experience, most
musicians find it hard to naturally start the "shout" without
being too obtrusive. It should be a natural build-up and certainly
in alignment with what's occurring in the congregation (...not just
for the fun of it).
>>> What
exactly to play on your left-hand and how to compliment it with
right-hand tricks. Since shouting music is redundant (...usually the
same pattern repeated over and over), it helps to have a variety
of tricks and chordal movements to pull out of your toolbox!
>>> The three
steps to shouting music and how each part will drastically change
the way you look at fast and uptempo shouting styles!
>>> and much
But don't forget:
Playing shouting music
is not just about fast-moving bass runs and right-hand fill-ins (as
I'll explain below), but you must be tuned in to know when to
start the "shouting" music... when to "cool" it down (this is a
specialized technique that I'll show you), and how to "push" it
when necessary.
There are certain chords
and movements you'll play at different times... a variation of bass
runs (if you're playing without a bass player), and a number of
progressions that work best at certain periods. And even though
shouting music seems to be the same thing played over over, with my
three-step process, you'll learn how to break them up and
play certain parts at certain times ("The Intro," "The Main
Loop," "The Cool-Down").
You may be wondering
by now:
"Well... if hardly anyone is
teaching shouting music and gospel music principles in general, then how have
musicians learned this style in the past?"
The answer:
The "School of Hard
Most musicians have
learned what it takes to play gospel music by doing one or more of the
Looking over other musician's shoulders
and watching carefully what they do. Many
gospel music techniques are passed down from musician to musician.
These days, however, many musicians are reluctant to share new
chords and techniques with others for many reasons.
Paying for lessons from the church musician. Usually, this is
more of a sharing of chords and songs than actual lessons
that teach theory and systematic ways to play the piano. Don't get
me wrong. Many church musicians know chord names and can teach the
reasons behind why certain chords are played. However, this may not
always be the case, so if you find a good one, hang on to them!
Sitting down for hours
poking at the piano and figuring things out on their own. This is,
undoubtedly, the driven, hungry musician who wants to be the best at
what they do. They may read chord books and apply concepts from
other genres of music (like jazz) and innovate unique ways to play
gospel music.
Shedding with other musician
friends after church or at a weekly rehearsal. This is a little
different than just peaking over someone's shoulder. Usually,
musicians on the same level (or members of a band) will get together
and share chords and tricks among each other. Beware, if you're
an "old-school" piano player or a beginner --- you may get laughed
out the group.
Classically training at an
institute/school in other styles of music and successfully
crossing over to gospel. You'll hear many other influential genres
in the playing styles of gospel greats like Richard Smallwood and
These are just some of the
ways musicians learn to play gospel music by ear. Of course, there
are many more.
"I've been using your techniques
for three years now and they have turned my playing around.
It really hurts when people at your church tell you that you
can't play. It made me seek more help and I'm glad I found
you guys. Ever since I've been learning how to play praise
songs and worship music from you, my playing has become more
modern and I'm finally getting good stares from the people.
Hearandplay, thanks much and I'll be first in line for all
your new products!
Pete Johnson Jr.,
52, Florida |
then came online gospel music learning resources...
of how you learned gospel music in the past, with the power of the
internet and gospel music resources like this site, you now have at
your fingertips the techniques, principles, concepts, and tricks to
playing gospel music --- without the learning curve (years) and
frustration of having to get chords from other musicians.
Just before I show you
more details on shouting music, here's a few things about myself:
*Use the scrollbars to the right to
view the entire section.

"I originally bought your 300-pg
course to learn the basics. You then allowed me to be one of your
"pre-testers" for your new gospel videos. I can't believe what I've
been able to accomplish in just a couple of hours. It's amazing how
you can just learn a few things that will last you a lifetime. This is
definitely one of those things. I've now used these bass runs and
chords in a dozen of my praise songs. I didn't even know the beginning
to playing bass runs. You've opened a door for me that no one can ever
Darlita Thompson, 31,
Finally, you can learn what it takes to hold an entire church
service --- including the "shouting" periods!
Here is what you'll gain
from studying with me:
to master shouting music by learning my
never-before-seen techniques. I break shouting music
into three key sections: "The Shouting Intro," "The
Main Loop Period" and "The Cool-down." You'll
explore each part, step-by-step. I guarantee that
you won't find shouting music taught in these 3
Discover the secrets to effectively playing shouting music
and how to properly begin and end your playing
naturally. This is one of the most awkward things in shouting
music: The beginning and ending.
===> The
power of tritones in shouting music
and how they allow your right hand to play fast-moving movements,
fill-ins, and runs at double the speed!
to play common shouting songs like "When I
Think of the Goodness of Jesus"
(aka "I can dance,
dance, dance ALL NIGHT!"). Every musician should
know this version of shouting music because it's
bound to pop up sooner or later in someone's church
No more
looking over the shoulders of others. Now musicians
will be stealing your secrets!
How to play left-hand bass runs, right hand
chordal movements, and fill-ins (all covered in
my "Main Loop Period" section) at high tempos and
how to keep the speed of your shouting music
consistent at all times!
===> The
difference between praise songs and shouting
music and how to
determine whether to play in a linear or non-linear
style. Tip: Shouting music, for the
most part, is non-linear (no particular order).
You'll also learn linear shouting patterns that are
common among gospel bands these days.
===> How
to use modulation
to increase the intensity of your playing during the
highest points of the shouting period. This
"constant modulation" is heard in many gospel songs
and you'll be able to apply it to your shouting
music immediately!
you're intermediate or advanced, there's something
to learn in GospelKeysTM 500!
How to add flavor to your shouting music by
various advance techniques
like "stride piano,"
"modulation," "role reversal," "linear shouting
patterns," and a lot more!
to play "prepared and planned" shouts that
all instruments can follow (bass, organ, piano,
guitar). This is what I call "linear shouting
patterns." Learn the ins and outs of changing keys
and how to make sure all instruments are on the same
to start a "shout" from scratch! I've
found that it is very difficult for musicians to
initially start shouting music during a high
praise part of the
church service. I'll show you several versions of
what I call "The Intro" and how to make the
beginning of your shouting music sound natural!
are just three of many case-studies from my past GospelKeysTM
Tanisha Barnes from
New Jersey had been playing for her church for about 2 years when she
started studying with HearandPlay.com. After receiving our
300-pg course and having huge success with it, we invited her to
be one of our pre-testers for the new upcoming video series.
"I was lucky to play at my
father's church for a while but I wasn't growing like I knew I
could. After taking your video course, I figured out what I was
doing wrong. It wasn't long before I had improved my left hand
bass and even added more chord progressions to what I was already
playing. I didn't want to tell my father I was studying a course.
I wanted him to comment on my growth before I told him. Soon, he
approached me and told me that God had really anointed my hands
during the last few services. I told him that I had truly received
a gift from God. Thanks Hearandplay.com. You're a Godsend.
Tanisha Barnes, 22,
New Jersey
Steve King was totally
new to the piano. According to his story, he had just been blessed
with a new "Korg Triton" keyboard. Coincidentally, one of his
church's musicians left around the same time. He knew this would be
an opportunity for him to fill a gap.
"All things happen
for a reason. I didn't have to get a new keyboard. An
opportunity didn't have to arise at my church. I didn't have to
stumble across your website. But I did and I am forever thankful
that I did. Can't anyone one tell me that this site isn't a ministry
because it is. Yes, it is a business and yes, you must profit but
overall, this company is a ministry. If you can take someone with
no prior experience, no knowledge or anything and turn him into a
church musician who can hold a service, then you're a ministry. I
know I sound redundant but I just get excited about what God is
doing in my life. May God continue to bless you and your ministry
Rev. Griggs."
Steve King, 48,
Darnelius Crawford has
been a church drummer for 17 years. For the past three years, he has
been playing the organ at church. We wanted to test these techniques
on organists (as the concepts are very similar except for the actual
operation of the organ). Since he already knew how to operate the
drawbars and everything, all he needed was bass runs, chords,
progressions, "fill-ins" and licks.
"I probably was the
first one to doubt that you could take keyboard and piano
techniques and apply them to the organ. I am also probably one of
the first to swallow my own doubts. I literally took everything
that he showed me in the video and applied it to the organ in less
than a few hours. The part about playing with a bass player was
very helpful as I could use my foot as the bass and utilize my
left and right hands just as a pianist would. I can definitely say
that I've learned so much more than I knew and have been inspired
to learn as much as I can. My search for new knowledge will never
Darnelius Crawford,
32, Oregon
You could be getting
similar or even better results. All it takes is applying a few of
the simple techniques and rules that I use in my "GospelKeysTM
500" dvd course,
"Experiencing Uptempo
Shouting Music!" |
Click thumbnails to
view video files (Windows Media Player required).
Click here if the Windows player doesn't load automatically.
Click thumbnails to
view video files (Windows Media Player required).
Click here if the Windows player doesn't load automatically.
>>> 60+ minutes of step-by-step,
over-the-shoulder footage of what I play the most during shouting
periods. Not only will I "show" you what I play, but I will make sure
you understand "why" and "where" to use these bass runs, chords,
movements, fill-ins, and
>>> Over six segments of useful
information and examples. From the "shouting music intro" and "main
loop period" to the "cool down" and "beyond the basic" sections, you'll
learn tons of useful tips, tricks, and techniques to playing shouting
music --- by ear!
>>> On-screen titles and descriptions
to make sure you know exactly what I'm demonstrating to you. You'll
never miss the name of a chord or what notes to play in the chord! Everything is
s-p-e-l-l-e-d out note for note,
chord for chord!
>>> Emphasis of all techniques to
guarantee that you never miss a beat. Even though this style of
music is fast by nature, I will never quickly fly
through anything that I teach you. In fact, I usually play all
examples more than two or three times and thoroughly explain the theory
behind each concept.
>>> Overhead keyboard view for convenient learning.
Every chord... every bass run... every fill-in is shown clearly with a
dedicated overhead camera. Plus, I'm always calling out every chord,
scale, bass run, and movement I play to make sure you don't miss out on
one single concept! |
Plus, you'll get:
#1: GospelKeysTM 500:
"Experiencing Uptempo Shouting Music" Dvd #2

I originally planned to sell dvds 1 and 2 separately
(a basic and extended version) and I probably will in the near
future depending on how well they do. Dvd 2 (60 additional minutes)
covers more advanced techniques like:
How to reverse
you're thinking and temporarily transpose your shouting music
to a different key (a perfect fourth up). It creates a strong pull
back to the original key and provides intensity for your shouting
How to modulate up to 12 times during your "shout" and how these incremental
modulations increase the energy of your shouting music each time
you climax!
How to master
linear shouting patterns. Usually shouting music is non-linear
(...which means you don't have to really memorize an order of
chords and movements because it repeats the same thing over and
over). However, I'll teach you a linear variation of shouting
music and how to get all instruments on one accord!
When I start selling disc 2
separately (and this could be any day now), it will sell for no less than
$45 (which is barely the cost of two 30-minute sessions with an
affordable piano
teacher --- and that's if you're lucky enough to find one who specializes
in gospel music). But it's yours free as part of this comprehensive
15-minute consultation with my staff just in case you have any questions
about what I'm playing in the two dvds.

There's no other gospel training site
online offering this type of value to its customers. Not only will I throw
in both discs, but I am willing to offer a FREE consultation. There are
only three requirements that I ask of you:
All appointments are to be scheduled at
least 24 hours in advanced.
All students must call our
direct support line (just like you do for software troubleshooting or any
other huge "Fortune 500" company).
If you want follow-up consultations
beyond your first session, there will be a small nominal fee to support the
consultation program (or else we'd literally be booked for 1,000+
consultations per month).
If you agree with those easy
requirements, then this program will definitely benefit you. When's the
last time you bought something that came with a personal tutor? Now you
have one at your disposal if you choose to take advantage of this
service. My teachers normally charge $30-$40 per half hour for something
like this. So when you call, just think of it as about $15-$20 saved.
FREE for our students.
Special Bonus Opportunity:
You'll Also Get 3 FREE
"Monthly Music Mentor"
Just For Trying This Program...
As a
very special one-time bonus, I'd also like to send you three free
courses from my Monthly Music Mentor CD of the month program.
The Monthly Music Mentor program is aimed at teaching you everything you
need to know to play piano in the quickest and easiest way possible.
Just as it sounds, this program was designed to take you by the hand and
"mentor" you step-by-step through the musical process of playing
by ear. If you lack time and want to make the best of the limited time
you have, you're going to love what these monthly cd lessons will do for
Here's how it works: Order now, and I'll throw in a one-month FREE
subscription to my Monthly Music Mentor program - PLUS you'll get three
free Monthly Music MentorTM introductory courses, which provide
an incredible introduction to the ongoing training... and you'll get
all this just for
trying this program.
The three courses you'll receive are "Piano By Ear For Starters"
2-hour course, "How To Find The Key To Any Song" 80-minute
course, and the first Monthly Music Mentor introductory CD (80-minute
"Getting Started" program). All of this is worth $79.95 but yours free
as a bonus today.
I'm so sure you're going to love Monthly Music Mentor courses that I'm even going
to pay the additional priority SHIPPING cost to send the starter kit to
If you love the three starter courses (which you will), keep them and stay subscribed to
the program. Every month, I'll send you a new lesson on CD, and you'll automatically be charged only
$15.95 a month... which is roughly just a quarter of what one private lesson would
cost you... and you can't rewind live lessons). You can cancel anytime you want with no questions or hassles.
If you cancel before 30 days, you won't be billed at all.
Three Courses Are Your Gifts
To Keep Either Way...
If you
get these 3 courses and you DON'T love them and get IMMEDIATE success with the material you learn, you can cancel
and keep all the courses FOR FREE... just for TRYING it. In other words,
you get to keep all the material for free either way... even if you
cancel right after you get it.
This bonus is worth
at least $79.95 alone, and it's yours free just for trying this program
--- but this special free offer is only available with your
purchase right now.
***If you
prefer NOT to get this free $79.95 bonus package, you can "opt out" with one click
while ordering... and simply complete your order without the free bonus
and 30-day trial. Your choice. It's that easy.
Listen. Here's what I'm going to do for you...
If you're truly serious about
playing shouting music by ear, then you won't have a problem with
this deal at all.
I'll give you GospelKeysTM 500 Disc
1 plus Disc 2 (a $45 value by itself) and I will extend to
you a free consultation (normally $19.95 per session).
Plus, you'll get the additional 3 Monthly Music MentorTM courses valued at
$79.95. So you're not only getting 2 hours of step-by-step dvd footage on
shouting music but an
additional 4.5 hours of audio training in free bonuses. Then there's the ongoing support
--- what else
could you possibly ask for?
For all of this, I could very
well charge over $165.00 and still get tons of orders for both dvds, the
additional bonus training, and consultation (wouldn't you agree)? With
values at $45.00 for each disc (60 minutes each) and $79.95 for the 3
additional bonus courses, that price would be well justified. Heck I know other sites charging well over $200.00
per course so I definitely know the going-rate for such specialized
and in-demand material.
But don't worry --- because I'm not going to charge you $165.00
or $100.00. I'm not going to even charge you $70 for the two-hour,
two-disc set and bonuses.
For just
2 easy monthly payments of $32, this entire GospelKeysTM
500 Training program plus the bonuses (6.5 hours
combined) can be yours. This offer is subject to
change at any time so if you're really interested in this dvd course, I
suggest you act quickly --- otherwise, you might end up paying $165 or more
in the future.
Click here if you're ready to
order online through our secure server.
If not, my "nothing to lose and
everything to gain" guarantee should help you make a decision ---
or you're just not serious about this.
Even though the price is
extremely reasonable (about one ticket to a basketball game), here's what's really important. If this program was just
another useless course that just sat in your bookshelf collecting dust and didn't teach
you anything new, it wouldn't matter what the price was. IT WOULDN'T BE
But imagine if you can learn
just a dozen new tricks and techniques (...new chords, bass lines,
movements, fill-ins, and
"runs")... what is that actually worth to you?
If you'll finally
be able to play for your church like you've been desiring to, what is
this course worth to you?
Picture this:
It's a year from today (or a lot sooner), and
you're now playing for the church of your dreams. Even if you're not the
type to except money, the pastor insists that you take a paycheck of
$200-$300 per Sunday. You're not afraid of playing a "shout" anymore and
can hold down an entire service from beginning to end, no matter how
much back up you have.
Even better, you know for a fact that your musical
skills are so good that you could be playing for multiple churches but
decide to remain at your current church as the new Minister of Music.
The choir loves the way you play. The Pastor loves the way you play ---
and most of all, you love the way you play!
Now, stop and look back on today. Considering that
you've now made your musical dreams come true, what price tag would've
made it a good investment?
Some pay $500 for workshops hoping to change their
piano playing forever. Some enroll in courses at a college for thousands of
dollars. Others spend years learning by experience.
I can't put an exact dollar
figure on it for you --- only you can do that. But I can tell you this: at
2 monthly payments of $32, this program could very possibly be the best bargain and the best
investment you'll ever make in terms of your musical growth (especially as
it relates to "shouting music").
Click here if you're ready to
take your gospel piano playing to the next level today.
Your "Nothing to Lose And
Everything To Gain" Guarantee
Listen to my personal guarantee
for any reason in the next 365 days, you don't agree this incredible
program is worth every penny, simply return it (and keep the free bonuses as
a gift). You will receive every single dime of your money
back minus the shipping costs. You won't be sold another product. You won't be
asked any questions. It's as simple as that.
My accountant thought I was crazy to even offer ANY type of return policy or guarantee on a
dvd or audio course because of the many ways people could cheat us... let alone
a full 365-day year guarantee. However, I believe in my programs,
and I believe in my students so much that I am willing
to allow you to test drive it on me. Heck, I'm even willing to take on even
more risk by letting you break up your payments into multiple months.
So not only do you get the flexible payment
plan, but you have a full year to decide whether
this course is for you. At 2 monthly payments of $32, you are losing absolutely nothing
and the risk is all on me. What else can I say?
Jermaine Griggs -- President
HearandPlay.com &

* HearandPlay.com is a member of the
Better Business Bureau
To view this guarantee in a pop-up
window that you
print out for your records, click here.
I've acted on my end of the deal ...
now it's your call. If you think 2 monthly payments of $32 is too much for you, then ask
yourself this question: "How fast will I spend this money elsewhere?"
I am trying to literally give you 2
hours (120 minutes) that will change your piano playing forever. No one knows
your condition like you do.
If so, please do yourself a favor and take the
first step.
If you answered "Yes" to any of the questions
above and are serious about learning to play the piano by ear, here are five
easy ways to order:
The dvd course is shipped via USPS Priority Mail or Express Mail.
You will receive the 2-hour GospelKeysTM 500 dvd course in less than one week
and can get started learning shouting music the very same day you receive it.
You can literally be on your way to playing shouting music
like never before for your church service (or
improving your current skills) by next week!
I look forward to receiving your success story very soon.

Jermaine Griggs, President
P.S. Don't forget --- I am including disc 2 (normally
$45) with this special offer along with three free Monthly Music Mentor courses
(valued at $79.95). I honestly don't know how long this will last.
All I can say is if you're serious about playing gospel music, you'll want to
take advantage of this special offer while you can. Otherwise, you might be one
of those individuals who pay more than $150.00 or $165.00 for this comprehensive
package. To
receive your copy of the GospelKeysTM 500 Training Program,
Click here.
P.P.S. Still not convinced that you need this gospel
course? Let me give you just one more reason to order. If you don't know what
role reversals, cool-downs, linear/non-linear patterns, modulation,
stride/ragtime piano, main loops, and "shouting intros" are, then you're missing
out on a wealth of knowledge. With my 365-day unconditional money-back
guarantee, you have absolutely nothing to lose.
Click here to take advantage of
today's special offer.
You Have Two Options:
Downloadable Digital
(Not sent in the mail)

$165.00 (Special Offer:
monthly payments of $32)
*Instant Access | Save On Shipping*
Click here for answers to
frequently asked questions concerning digital downloads
What are digital downloads?
Basically, we've "digitized" each of
our courses and turned them into high-quality, full-length, full-sized (640 x
480) movie files that you can download directly to your computer
Benefits of downloading digital courses:
- Save $7-$24 on shipping fees
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as many computers as you want. I've invested $15,000 to create a download
center from the ground up. This download center allows you to log in from
anywhere and download courses you've purchased any time. So you never have to
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anything like that.
- Go green! By downloading our
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manufacture, no pollution caused by delivery trucks, no storage. Everything's
What if I lose the file I
I've personally invested $15,000
in building a "download center" from the ground up. This download center allows
you to log in with your e-mail address and birthday (as your password so that
you'll NEVER forget it) and retrieve your digital courses from anywhere... any
time you want.
You can download our courses on
every computer, at work, on your laptop, anywhere. And if your computer ever
crashes, no problem... just log into our state-of-the-art download center and
retrieve it again. A piece of cake.
How long will it take to
It depends on your connection
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file can take anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours or more to download depending
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On my computer, I had a 1-hour
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*Not recommended
for dial-up modems or very slow connections.
Can I burn files
to a cd or dvd?
Most certainly. Feel
free to burn them to dvd, cd, transfer them to your ipod or video player, and
save on multiple computers. The choice is yours. (Technical skills required).
Overseas? You
Save Even More! No More Shipping
shipping fees can range from $24-$38 or more, depending on the size of the
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In addition to the
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as you'll be able to download our material in minutes (...a few hours at the
most, depending on your internet speed).
And you'll be able
to return to our download center any time you want to re-download courses to
different computers, add other digital courses to your account with a click of a
button, and retrieve bonus material.
Hear & Play Music, Online!
22521 Avenida Empresa Suite 113 * Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
2000-2016. All Rights Reserved
