"Discover 5 Simple Techniques
to Playing Over 101 Toe-tapping, Foot-stomping, Hand-clapping Praise Songs by Ear!"

... and 101 praise songs is just what I could count off the top of my head (there's plenty more)!
What most musicians don't understand is that almost ALL praise songs follow a similar pattern. In fact, MOST praise songs
share the SAME exact rhythms, chords, and bass runs --- they just
have different lyrics.
It's not that you have to learn 101 different songs... because once you learn
the 5
easy rules I'm going to reveal on this page, you won't have
to memorize hundreds of songs. You'll be able to play a countless number
of songs on both the piano and organ BY EAR just by following the
five steps over and over again!
Keep reading to learn how you can
implement these five steps that will allow you
to master tons of your favorite praise songs (video clips and
midi sound examples below)... |
can't tell you how much my piano playing has improved since I
started using these 5 steps to build my praise songs. I actually
thought that I had to learn every single praise song out there one
by one. I was so wrong. Thanks to your steps, I am now able to play
my entire praise service without relying on other musicians. I
appreciate all that you're doing for gospel musicians."
Jhoana Butler, 44, South Carolina
From: Minister Jermaine Griggs
Wednesday, 11:49 a.m.
Listen to a Personal Message
from Jermaine Griggs...
Dear Friend,
I'm going to get straight to the point
because I don't want to waste your time...
You've come to my site for ONE
or ALL of the following reasons:
Or perhaps you're just starting out
Don't worry about any of these
problems any longer. They will never be a concern to you again. If
you can identify with any of the statements above, then I highly
recommend that you keep reading as this site will change the way
you look at gospel music --- I GUARANTEE YOU!
Gospel musicians have
faced three main problems for the longest. Let me
Problem #1:
educational institutes don't
teach our style of music so where do we go to improve our skills?
Whether you agree or not, gospel musicians have ALWAYS had to go
to the "school of hard-knocks." In other words, playing gospel
music in a church involved getting advice, tips, and lessons from
WHOEVER you could (if you couldn't learn it on your own). When
have you ever heard of getting a degree in playing "toe-tapping, hand-clapping" praise songs by ear? Plain and simple
--- in the past, if you wanted to learn, you had to go over and
beyond to get the help that you needed.
Problem #2:
Even if there are talented
musicians in your area, most
of them are not willing to "share" chords, progressions, tips, and advice
with others for fear of losing their own
musicianship job. And of course ...
this occurs more frequently in certain locations than in others. For some reason,
musicians feel that they must compete with one another --- thus,
we develop this "every-musician-for-themselves"
type of environment. Am I not right? Have you experienced this type
of reaction to a simple call for help? If you haven't, then you're
blessed and ought to be very thankful for the musician who is helping
Problem #3:
In my experiences of teaching and
speaking to thousands of gospel musicians, I've come to recognize
that there are still tons of people who don't realize that
many songs share the SAME EXACT chords, progressions, bass-runs
and more. I say this time and time again --- IT IS NOT A MATTER
recognizing similar chords and progressions that are present in
MULTIPLE songs. I can easily name over 101 praise songs that
share the same
exact progression.
Don't believe me? If you're familiar with the
five songs below, BUT don't know that they
SHARE the same
exact bass and chord patterns, then you definitely need to learn
five parts of a
praise song:
1. "I Get Joy When I Think About"
(click to listen)
2. "Have You Tried Jesus"
3. "God is a Good God"
4. "The Devil Thought He Had Me"
5. "I'm a Soldier in the Army of the
The five praise songs above are just
examples of the many praise songs that share the same patterns. I
call these "A-B" songs. Of course, there are more complex
songs which I call "A-B-C-D" praise songs. Here is a small
list of "A-B-C-D" songs that ALL have the same EXACT bass and
chord patterns:
1. "Can't Nobody Do Me Like Jesus"
(click to listen)
2. "Bless That Wonderful Name of
3. "This Little Light of Mine"
4. "Praise Him" (fast version)
5. "When I Woke Up Early This
Of course, both "A-B"
and "A-B-C-D" songs have what I call "part E"
(don't worry... I'm going to show you all of this). There are also
songs that use A, B, C and D in different orders. Here are some
1. "Victory Is Mine"
(click to listen)
2. "What A Mighty God We Serve"
3. "This is the Day"
4. "Oh, Magnify the Lord"
5. "I Don't Know What You've
Come to Do"
What is the point? The
point is:
you learn JUST the five parts of a praise song, you can literally
play HUNDREDS of songs...
My friend ... it's just
like anything else you've learned how to do. You learned how to
walk ONCE and now you can walk and run wherever you want to.
You learned how to talk, and now you can organize your words
into different patterns to relay your thoughts to other people.
You learned how to write and now you can combine
different words to create meaning on a sheet of paper. Well...
learning praise songs is the same way. You learn
five parts that make up ALMOST all praise songs, and you then
perform them over and over again and sometimes in different
If you let me, I can
show you
step-by-step how to play praise songs by ear.
These are not difficult rules. These are not complicated
techniques. They have been used by musicians for generations after
generations (though they might not have been explained in the
sequential steps that I am going to show you).
"Where were these techniques 20
years ago when I first started playing? Though I've managed
to survive as an old-time musician for 20 years, I knew that
my church was looking for a more contemporary sound. That's
when I decided to try your videos. To make a very long story
short, I can say that I still have my weekend job at the
church and that people have actually starting coming up to
me to tell me how good I'm sounding. Just the idea of being
better at what I do is exciting and satisfying. I owe this
all to your program. God bless you."
McCarty, 56, Alabama |
Just before I show you
the details of my program, here's a few things about myself:
*Use the scrollbars to the right to
view the entire section.

"I originally bought your 300-pg
course to learn the basics. You then allowed me to be one of your
"pre-testers" for your new gospel videos. I can't believe what I've
been able to accomplish in just a couple of hours. It's amazing how
you can just learn a few things that will last you a lifetime. This is
definitely one of those things. I've now used these bass runs and
chords in a dozen of my praise songs. I didn't even know the beginning
to playing bass runs. You've opened a door for me that no one can ever
Darlita Thompson, 31,
Finally, you can stop bothering other musicians for tips and
advice AND learn the techniques on your own. They are not as hard
as you think ...
Here is what you'll gain
from studying with me:
Discover the five parts to a praise
song and how to recognize them with your ear. Knowing them is
one thing and recognizing is another. By the end of the program,
you'll NOT only be able to recognize the different parts of a
praise song, BUT you'll have several options to consider when
playing them (we never play the same thing over and over
... I will teach you several different ways to play EACH part).
Learn what "A-B" songs are and how they differ from "A-B-C-D"
songs. This is something that hundreds of gospel musicians
still don't know. It frustrates me to hear a musician playing an
"A-B-C-D" praise song when they should be playing an "A-B" praise
song. It is very very very important to know the differences
between the two types. Yes, one is an extension of the other ---
but the extensions make ALL THE DIFFERENCE. You'll learn just what
I'm talking about.
How to transition between parts A,
B, C, D and E of a praise song. Just because you know each
part doesn't mean you'll know how to transition between each one.
I will show you smooth ways of transitioning between, for
example, parts A and B, or parts C and D. This is very important
as it helps you to distinguish one part from the other. These
transitions can also serve as "indicators" to let you know what
parts are coming next.
Learn three methods to figure out
what type of praise song is being sung. I will show you,
step-by-step, how to classify different praise songs. You will
also learn how to figure out when a praise song has transitioned
from an "A-B" to an "A-B-C-D" or from an "A-B-C-D" to an "A-B"
praise song. These are priceless techniques, especially if your
church sings a medley of praise songs, one after the other.
Over 10 ascending and descending
bass-runs to keep your praise songs sounding different each time.
You never want to sound like you only know one or two bass runs. I
will show you ascending, descending and chromatic bass runs for
each of the five parts (a, b, c, d & e). I promise that you'll
learn some new ones by the end of the program.
An "over-the-shoulders" look at
exactly what I do with my right hand. Many people struggle
with things to do with their right hand. I will show you several
different chords to play (1-part chord progressions, 2-part chord
progressions and even 3-part chord progressions). Remember...
playing by ear is all about having options. If you don't
have any options, you might as well be sight reading (which I have
nothing against because I do both). The reality is --- in order to
keep up with a charismatic service, you can't be glued to sheet
music. You have to KNOW
what to do and HOW
to apply it in the RIGHT
Several "runs" that are
ready-to-use the minute I show them to you. If you feel like
your music is bare, then I'll definitely give you some right-hand
"runs" to consider. From pentatonic scales, to chromatically
descending pentatonic scales, to one-fingered alternations, I will
show you some "fill-ins" that you'll be sure to use at your next
church service.
"I tell you. I've tried
book after book, tape after tape but nothing really specialized in
gospel music. I needed something that I could relate to and not
something that was way out in left field. To my surprise, these videos
really hit home. These were the songs that I was used to hearing in
church and not nursery rhymes like I learned with other videos. Not
only did I learn the basics to playing these praise songs, but I also
learned neat little things to do on my right hand that really enhance
the sound of my playing. By the way, I love your bass runs. Please let
me know when you release more material as I'll be the first in line to
buy. Thank God for your company."
Roger Chillingsworth, 65, California |
the best musician your church, choir or group has ever had.
Revolutionize your praise & worship services...
Learn "unconventional" ways to play
shouting music and vamps of praise songs. Learn how to
incorporate "advanced" chord progressions and bass runs into your
shouting music. Imagine playing a traditional bass run and quickly
transitioning to a whole new-sounding chord progression. Believe
me... this definitely adds something to your music (and drummers
love the "switch" as they can experiment with different rhythms).
Learn how to include 7th, 9th,
11th, and 13th chords in your praise songs. No one plays
regular 3-fingered triads anymore (and if so, it sounds really
shallow). Learn how to squeeze "expanded" chords like
dominant 11th and 13's into your music. Once you switch to these
chords, you'll never go back to your old way of playing --- trust
me. I've been there and done that.
Learn the same pattern of chords,
bass runs, and progressions played in over 101 songs. I listed
a few above but believe me... there are tons of songs that follow
these same patterns. I guarantee you that most of the praise songs
you hear are identical. Just listen to the way they
are sung --- are not the singers changing tones at the same points
in each song? Do your homework and you'll notice exactly what I
How to syncopate your playing to
give it that "toe-tapping, hand-clapping" feel. From my
experiences with hundreds of musicians, I find that rhythm is a
huge problem. I purposefully cover a segment on how to use your
right hand to compliment your left. In order for your music to
sound its best, you're going to have to learn how to have both
hands work together --- the best they know how. This involves
various rhythmic patterns that you can play to enhance the overall
sound of your "bass / chord" progressions.
you play in a church band or in a group --- NO PROBLEM. Here's how
I can help ...
How to play chords on your left
hand when you already have a bass player. It surprises me when
I see pianists, keyboardists, and organists only using one hand
when they have a bass player. Why not add to the sound and use
your left hand? Unless you have a specific reason for NOT using
your left hand, then it can be utilizing "tri tones." Learn these
multi-fingered left-hand chords and how they are used in
conjunction with "runs" and "fill-ins."
How to "solo" when its your time to
shine. In some large churches with several instrumentalists,
there comes a time when each musician can "solo" by themselves.
This is no ordinary playing --- you must be prepared to show
what you've got. I'll give you a few things to do so that you
are not embarrassed. These are fancy "licks & tricks" that I love
to repeat throughout a variety of my favorite praise songs.
How to end songs when its time to
wind things up. This seems to be a problem for many musicians
but there is a SIMPLE progression you can play to end your praise
songs. I'll show you exactly what to do so that you never have
this problem. The last thing you want is your Pastor upset with you
for not being able to end a praise song (or shouting music) after
everyone has settled down. I'll give you some things to do --- I
How to transition from praise to
worship chords. While I don't cover a lot of slow worship
chords and styles in this program (but in another dvd course), I
do show you a few transitional chord progressions that'll
help you to move from a praise to a worship period. This is a
"must" for musicians who play in churches that sing fast songs
first and slow songs last (or a combination of the two).
learn the five parts of a praise song, and you'll be ready to play
in a church service in less than a month...
Learn how to play praise songs in
all 12 keys so that you're not stumped when someone starts singing
in the key of "B natural." You won't have to use a
transposer or rely on another pianist or keyboardist again. Simply
learn my easy "transposition" techniques and you'll be ready to play
these songs in virtually any key. Besides, you can't use your
transposer forever (especially if you play organ or acoustic
WARNING: These bass runs, chords,
progressions and "fill-ins" will literally have your pastor asking
for piano lessons. I won't tell you that there isn't a price
you have to pay for sounding good because there is. People will
ask you to teach them. And if you have the time, why not? I get so
many letters about this that I just thought I mention it
How to follow a preacher
during the "climax" period of their sermon. If you are in a
church where the pastor gets a little "excited" at the end, then
you'll need these progressions that I show you in this dvd
course. Learn exactly what you need to do to "help" your pastor
out. There are certain chords and rhythms that should be played.
I'll show you exactly what I'm talking about.
Plus much, much more!
are just three of many case-studies ...
Tanisha Barnes from
New Jersey had been playing for her church for about 2 years when she
started studying with HearandPlay.com. After receiving our
300-pg course and having huge success with it, we invited her to
be one of our pre-testers for the new upcoming video series.
"I was lucky to play at my
father's church for a while but I wasn't growing like I knew I
could. After taking your video course, I figured out what I was
doing wrong. It wasn't long before I had improved my left hand
bass and even added more chord progressions to what I was already
playing. I didn't want to tell my father I was studying a course.
I wanted him to comment on my growth before I told him. Soon, he
approached me and told me that God had really anointed my hands
during the last few services. I told him that I had truly received
a gift from God. Thanks Hearandplay.com. You're a Godsend.
Tanisha Barnes, 22,
New Jersey
Steve King was totally
new to the piano. According to his story, he had just been blessed
with a new "Korg Triton" keyboard. Coincidentally, one of his
church's musicians left around the same time. He knew this would be
an opportunity for him to fill a gap.
"All things happen
for a reason. I didn't have to get a new keyboard. An
opportunity didn't have to arise at my church. I didn't have to
stumble across your website. But I did and I am forever thankful
that I did. Can't anyone one tell me that this site isn't a ministry
because it is. Yes, it is a business and yes, you must profit but
overall, this company is a ministry. If you can take someone with
no prior experience, no knowledge or anything and turn him into a
church musician who can hold a service, then you're a ministry. I
know I sound redundant but I just get excited about what God is
doing in my life. May God continue to bless you and your ministry
Rev. Griggs."
Steve King, 48,
Darnelius Crawford has
been a church drummer for 17 years. For the past three years, he has
been playing the organ at church. We wanted to test these techniques
on organists (as the concepts are very similar except for the actual
operation of the organ). Since he already knew how to operate the
drawbars and everything, all he needed was bass runs, chords,
progressions, "fill-ins" and licks.
"I probably was the
first one to doubt that you could take keyboard and piano
techniques and apply them to the organ. I am also probably one of
the first to swallow my own doubts. I literally took everything
that he showed me in the video and applied it to the organ in less
than a few hours. The part about playing with a bass player was
very helpful as I could use my foot as the bass and utilize my
left and right hands just as a pianist would. I can definitely say
that I've learned so much more than I knew and have been inspired
to learn as much as I can. My search for new knowledge will never
Darnelius Crawford,
32, Oregon
You could be getting
similar or even better results. All it takes is applying a few of
the simple techniques and rules that I use in my "GospelKeysTM 300
Series" video course entitled:
"Exploring Praise Songs &
Charismatic Styles!" Dvd 1. |
Here's what
another musician has to say about our resources...
Ernest Walker (aka E-man) has already studied our
300-pg course and is currently tackling our
GospelKeys series! He showed so much growth and enthusiasm (as
a student) in learning new concepts and techniques that we asked
him to host one of our chat nights. He currently plays for 4
churches (yes, that's right). You can join E-man on
Thursday nights in our public chat room.
Don't you
want to study at your own pace? Aren't you tired of always having
to look over someone else's shoulders? Here's what my DVD course has to

My GospelKeysTM
300 Series dvd course will teach you everything you need to know to
play just about any praise song you can think of. I won't spend time
showing you EACH AND EVERY praise song. Rather, I will spend time showing
you the five rules that'll allow you to MASTER hundreds of songs.
Yes, I will cover several songs in the dvd but these are meant to show
you EXACTLY how to play all the other songs that follow these same
Here's what you'll get:
1. GospelKeysTM
300: "Exploring Praise Songs and Charismatic Styles"
Click image above for short video clip
(low / medium quality for fast loading)
- 60 minutes of step-by-step,
over-the-shoulder footage of what I play the most during praise
services. Not only will I "show" you what I play, but I will make sure
you understand "why" and "where" to use these bass runs, chords, and
- Over five segments of useful
information and examples. I break up each part of a praise song into
segments. Every single minute of the course is used to share needed
concepts and techniques.
Click image above for short video clip.
(low / medium quality for fast loading)
- Close-ups, Titles, and Images to make
sure you're playing the right bass run or progression with the
correct hand. This video wasn't just put together. It was designed
specifically to make sure you understand all of the techniques from a
visual and mental standpoint.
- Emphasis of all techniques to
guarantee that you never miss a beat. I will never quickly fly
through anything that I teach you. In fact, I usually play all
examples more than two or three times.
Click image above for short video clip
(low / medium quality for fast loading)
- Concepts from the
course are also used in praise songs. You will learn,
step-by-step, how to integrate "2-5-1", "6-2-5-1", "1-4" and even
"7-3-6-2-5-1" chord progressions in praise songs. If you already have
the course, you're at a wonderful advantage. If you don't have the
course, I will explain the progressions enough for you to understand
them (but you might want to also consider the 300-pg course as well).
- How to use "altered chords" in praise
songs to create new progressions. I cover a host of altered chords
to use during "2-5-1" and "1-4" chord progressions. These will add even
more flavor to your playing
Plus, if you order by
midnight, I will also
--- GospelKeysTM 300:
"Exploring Praise Songs and Charismatic Styles" DVD 2

I originally planned to sell
dvd 1 and 2 separately and I probably will in the near
future depending on how well they do. Dvd 2 (60 additional minutes)
covers more advanced techniques like:
How to manipulate the
same chords and make them sound totally like NEW voicings.
How to make your left-hand
chords work with your right-hand "fill-ins" (if you are playing with a
bass player).
How to mentally transpose
a song in less than 3 minutes (this one is amazing)!
How to play for 10 minutes
straight and still keep your audience highly engaged in your music (a
variety of different "licks and tricks" to play).
and much much more!
When I start selling dvd 2
separately (and this could be any day now), it will sell for no less than
$49.95 (which is about the cost of two 30-minute sessions with a piano
teacher --- and that's if you're lucky enough to find one who specializes
in gospel music). But it's yours free as part of this comprehensive
15-minute consultations with my staff just in case you have any questions
about what I'm playing in the two dvds.

There's no other gospel
training site online offering this type of value to its customers. Not
only will I throw in both dvds, but I am willing to offer FREE
consultation. There are only two requirements that I ask of you:
All appointments are to be
scheduled at least 24 hours in advanced.
All students must call our
direct support line (just like you do for software troubleshooting or any
other huge "Fortune 500" company).
If you agree with those easy
requirements, then this program will definitely benefit you. When's the
last time you bought something that came with a personal tutor? Now you
have one at your disposal if you so choose to take advantage of this
service. My teachers normally charge $25 per half an hour for something
like this. So every time you call, just think of it as about $12.50 saved.
All FREE for our students.
to a real-life testimonial from 21-year old Clyde Jones
(Bronx, NY)
#3 ---
Weekly Training Chats (Monday,
Wednesdays, and Thursdays).
Now... I am not even going to
tell you that I charge for these chats because I don't. While I host
Monday nights, I have two dedicated friends and fellow colleagues that
host Wednesdays (Anthony Gray; aka "Hammondman") and Thursdays
(Ernest Walker; aka "E-man"). The thing is that most people in our chat
are committed and don't have a problem with investing in their musical
education. So to not have the material right in front of you might mean to possibly be "lost" in
a conversation pertaining to it. Basically, as long as you have
the dvd course, you can participate in the chat and know what you're
talking about!
Mondays: 6pm (pacific),
7pm (mountain), 8pm (central), 9pm (eastern). Log-in by clicking on "chat
room" from our main site (www.hearandplay.com).
Wednesdays: 7pm
(pacific), 8pm (mountain), 9pm (central), 10pm (eastern). Log-in by
clicking on "chat room" from our main site (www.hearandplay.com).
Thursdays: 7pm
(pacific), 8pm (mountain), 9pm (central), 10pm (eastern). Log-in by
clicking on "chat room" from our main site (www.hearandplay.com).
Special Bonus Opportunity:
You'll Also Get 3 FREE
"Monthly Music Mentor"
Just For Trying This Program...
As a
very special one-time bonus, I'd also like to send you three free
courses from my Monthly Music Mentor CD of the month program.
The Monthly Music Mentor program is aimed at teaching you everything you
need to know to play piano in the quickest and easiest way possible.
Just as it sounds, this program was designed to take you by the hand and
"mentor" you step-by-step through the musical process of playing
by ear. If you lack time and want to make the best of the limited time
you have, you're going to love what these monthly cd lessons will do for
Here's how it works: Order now, and I'll throw in a one-month FREE
subscription to my Monthly Music Mentor program - PLUS you'll get three
free Monthly Music MentorTM introductory courses, which provide
an incredible introduction to the ongoing training... and you'll get
all this just for
trying this program.
The three courses you'll receive are "Piano By Ear For Starters"
2-hour course, "How To Find The Key To Any Song" 80-minute
course, and the first Monthly Music Mentor introductory CD (80-minute
"Getting Started" program). All of this is worth $79.95 but yours free
as a bonus today.
I'm so sure you're going to love Monthly Music Mentor courses that I'm even going
to pay the additional priority SHIPPING cost to send the starter kit to
If you love the three starter courses (which you will), keep them and stay subscribed to
the program. Every month, I'll send you a new lesson on CD, and you'll automatically be charged only
$15.95 a month... which is roughly just a quarter of what one private lesson would
cost you... and you can't rewind live lessons). You can cancel anytime you want with no questions or hassles.
If you cancel before 30 days, you won't be billed at all.
Three Courses Are Your Gifts
To Keep Either Way...
If you
get these 3 courses and you DON'T love them and get IMMEDIATE success with the material you learn, you can cancel
and keep all the courses FOR FREE... just for TRYING it. In other words,
you get to keep all the material for free either way... even if you
cancel right after you get it.
This bonus is worth
at least $79.95 alone, and it's yours free just for trying this program
--- but this special free offer is only available with your
purchase right now.
***If you
prefer NOT to get this free $79.95 bonus package, you can "opt out" with one click
while ordering... and simply complete your order without the free bonus
and 30-day trial. Your choice. It's that easy.
I'll make a deal with you ...
If you're serious about
playing over 101 praise songs by ear, then you won't have a problem with
this deal at all.
I will give you GospelKeysTM 300 DVD
1 plus DVD 2 (a $49.95 value by itself) and I will extend to
you free consultations (normally $12.95 per session).
Plus, you'll get the additional 3 Monthly Music MentorTM courses valued at
$79.95. So you're not only getting 2 hours of step-by-step dvd footage on
charismatic praise songs but an
additional 4.5 hours of audio training in free bonuses. Then there's the ongoing support
--- what else
could you possibly ask for?
For all of this, I could very
well charge over $150.00 and still get tons of orders for both dvds, the
additional bonuses, and consultations (wouldn't you agree) ? With values at $49.95 for each dvd
(60 minutes each) and $79.95 for the 3 additional bonus courses, that price would be well justified. But I'm not going to charge you $150.00. I'm not going
to even charge you $100. Not even $60...
For just
2 easy monthly payments of $30, this entire GospelKeysTM
300 Training Program plus all of
the bonuses (6.5 hours combined) can be yours. This offer is subject to
change at any time so if you're really interested in this dvd course, I
suggest you act quickly --- otherwise, you might end up paying $150 or more
in the future.
Click here if you are ready to
order online through our secure server
or by check or money order. If not, my "nothing to lose and everything to
gain" guarantee should help you make a decision --- or you're just not
serious about this opportunity.
Even though the price is
extremely reasonable (about the cost of dinner for two at a mediocre
restaurant), here's what's really important. If this program was just
another useless course that just sat in your bookshelf and didn't teach
you anything new, it wouldn't matter what the price was. IT WOULDN'T BE
But if you can learn
just 40 new praise songs, chords, bass runs, tricks, fill-ins, and
"runs", what is that actually worth to you? If you'll finally
be able to play for your church like you've been desiring to, what is
this course worth to you? I can't put an exact dollar
figure on it for you --- only you can do that. But I can tell you this: at
2 monthly payments of $30, this program could very possibly be the best bargain and the best
investment you'll ever make in terms of your musical growth.
Click here
if you're ready to take your piano playing to
the next level.
Your "Nothing to Lose And
Everything To Gain" Guarantee
Listen to my personal guarantee
for any reason in the next 365 days, you don't agree this incredible
program is worth every penny, simply return it (and keep the free bonuses as
a gift). You will receive every single dime of your money
back minus the shipping costs. You won't be sold another product. You won't be
asked any questions. It's as simple as that.
My accountant thought I was crazy to even offer ANY type of return policy or guarantee on a
dvd or audio course because of the many ways people could cheat us... let alone
a full 365-day year guarantee. However, I believe in my programs,
and I believe in my students so much that I am willing
to allow you to test drive it on me. Heck, I'm even willing to take on even
more risk by letting you break up your payments into multiple months.
So not only do you get the flexible payment
plan, but you have a full year to decide whether
this course is for you. At 2 monthly payments of $30, you are losing absolutely nothing
and the risk is all on me. What else can I say?
Jermaine Griggs -- President
HearandPlay.com &

* HearandPlay.com is a member of the
Better Business Bureau
To view this guarantee in a pop-up
window that you
print out for your records, click here.
I've acted on my end of the deal ...
now it's your call. If you think 2 monthly payments of $30 is too much for you, then ask
yourself this question: "How fast will I spend this money on snacks, movie
tickets, or other leisure activities?" Some of you can't honestly answer
more than 2 hours. I know I can't.
I am trying to literally give you 2
hours (120 minutes) that will change your piano playing forever. No one knows
your condition like you do.
Do you honestly need help with praise songs?
Are you
Are you at a standstill in your playing?
Do you need some "fancy"
runs and "fill-ins"?
Do you need the techniques that I discussed in this letter?
Do you want to play for your church ... your choir ... or your group?
If so, please do yourself a favor and take the
first step.
If you answered "Yes" to any of the questions
above and are serious about learning to play the piano by ear, here are five
easy ways to order:
The course is shipped via USPS Priority Mail or Express Mail.
You will receive the GospelKeysTM 300 dvd course in less than one week
and can get started learning praise songs the very same day you receive it.
You can literally be on your way to playing for your church service (or
improving your current skills) by next week!
I look forward to receiving your success story very soon.

Jermaine Griggs, President
Still not sure...? Listen to five reasons why you need GospelKeys300
"Exploring Praise Songs & Charismatic Styles" DVD Course...
P.S. Don't forget --- I am including
dvd 2 (normally
$49.95) with this special offer. I honestly don't know how long this will last.
All I can say is if you're serious about playing gospel music, you'll want to
take advantage of this special offer while you can. Otherwise, you might be one
of those individuals who pay more than $140 for this comprehensive package. To
receive your copy of the GospelKeysTM 300 Training Program,
Click here.
P.P.S. Still not convinced that you need this gospel video
course? Let me give you just one more reason to order. If you don't have at
least 5 to 7 good "runs" and "fill-ins" to use during praise songs, then your music is probably too "dry." I don't mean to insult you in any way. I just want
to let you know that there is room for improvement for anyone (no one is
excluded when it comes to growth). If you want to grow in your musical
ability, click
here to order now. With my 365-day unconditional money-back
guarantee, you have absolutely nothing to lose.
You Have Two Options:
Downloadable Digital
(Not sent in the mail)

$150.00 (Special Offer:
2 monthly payments
of $30)
*Instant Access | Save On Shipping*
Click here for answers to
frequently asked questions concerning digital downloads
What are digital downloads?
Basically, we've "digitized" each of
our courses and turned them into high-quality, full-length, full-sized (640 x
480) movie files that you can download directly to your computer
Benefits of downloading digital courses:
- Save $7-$24 on shipping fees
depending on your Country (there are *NO* shipping costs)
- Download our best-selling
courses in minutes. Start learning from the comfort of your own home TODAY.
- INSTANT ACCESS: No waiting for your package to
arrive in the mail. This allows you to start learning immediately after the
download finishes.
- Download any time you want, on
as many computers as you want. I've invested $15,000 to create a download
center from the ground up. This download center allows you to log in from
anywhere and download courses you've purchased any time. So you never have to
worry about your computer crashing or losing what you've paid for... or
anything like that.
- Go green! By downloading our
courses electronically, you're helping the environment. No dvds to
manufacture, no pollution caused by delivery trucks, no storage. Everything's
What if I lose the file I
I've personally invested $15,000
in building a "download center" from the ground up. This download center allows
you to log in with your e-mail address and birthday (as your password so that
you'll NEVER forget it) and retrieve your digital courses from anywhere... any
time you want.
You can download our courses on
every computer, at work, on your laptop, anywhere. And if your computer ever
crashes, no problem... just log into our state-of-the-art download center and
retrieve it again. A piece of cake.
How long will it take to
It depends on your connection
speed. Our downloadable files can range from 70 megabytes to 500 megabytes. Your
file can take anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours or more to download depending
on how fast your internet is. Most people just let it go overnight and wake up
to a fully downloadable file!
On my computer, I had a 1-hour
digital disc downloaded and ready to play in 14 minutes & 30 seconds:

*Not recommended
for dial-up modems or very slow connections.
Can I burn files
to a cd or dvd?
Most certainly. Feel
free to burn them to dvd, cd, transfer them to your ipod or video player, and
save on multiple computers. The choice is yours. (Technical skills required).
Overseas? You
Save Even More! No More Shipping
shipping fees can range from $24-$38 or more, depending on the size of the
order. Because you'll be downloading the material directly to your computer,
there are no shipping fees.
In addition to the
substantial savings in shipping, the normal 1-2 week delivery time is eliminated
as you'll be able to download our material in minutes (...a few hours at the
most, depending on your internet speed).
And you'll be able
to return to our download center any time you want to re-download courses to
different computers, add other digital courses to your account with a click of a
button, and retrieve bonus material.
Hear & Play Music, Online!
22521 Avenida Empresa Suite 113 * Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
2000-2016. All Rights Reserved
