• 12 Reasons To Learn All 12 Keys

    Thumbnail image for 12 Reasons To Learn All 12 Keys

    Since I’ve been promoting my “Instant Transposer” software lately, I thought I’d share this list of 12 reasons to learn all 12 keys. Check it out! Reason #1 – Versatility: Nothing feels better than knowing you can play a song or accompany a singer in any key you want. If the singer cannot reach certain notes and […]

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    Our Best Releases (Technology)

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    In the past year, we’ve made history by releasing several breakthrough tools specifically for “ear-musicians.”

    While technology is no replacement for good old practicing, it undoubtedly makes the job infinitely easier.

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    New Tool Teaches How To Play In All 12 Keys

    Thumbnail image for New Tool Teaches How To Play In All 12 Keys

    Everyone talks about how important it is to learn all 12 keys as a musician. Not only does it give you the flexibility and fluidity to play any song you hear on the radio (as you’ll find songs spread across all 12 keys), but it ensures you’re never caught in a situation where you’re dumbfounded because you can’t follow along in the unfamiliar key.

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